
1  2020-01-29 by Boris-Holo


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Make me.

King 👑

A sin you decided to partake of. When homosexuals fuck each other in the ass, both the one on top and the one on bottom go to hell. It's the same for lenders and borrowers.

I took the loan out before following Christ. So that shit's forgiven 😎

Being a born again christian is like filing chapter 11 for your soul.

This is the most american thing I've read all day.


What a fucking Chad name, is this an alt?

Maaayyybeee đŸ€«

Atheistcels btfo

Usury has the potential to corrupt a society in a way that sin and other crimes can never do. Many religious figures and philosophers have commented about the evil nature of usury (interest):

"To take usury for money lent is unjust in itself, because this is to sell what does not exist, and this evidently leads to inequality which is contrary to justice" -Thomas Aquinas[1]

"You cannot make money just with money." -Martin Luther[2]

"The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange but not to increase at interest. And this term interest (tokos), which means the birth of money from money is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of all modes of getting wealth, this is the most unnatural.” -Aristotle[3]

An important distinction that earlier religious clerics understood was that money is a means of exchange. It is not meant in it of itself to be a source of income. "You can invest money by buying goods and products and selling them as a businessman. But when you loan money and make money off the money, you have perverted the purpose of money which is a means of exchange. And you have made it an end." [4] Today Usury gives banks and the rich an incentive to lend money without fear of loss. Sequential years of banks lending/borrowing to the people helps stretch the gap between the rich and the poor. In the last few decades entire countries, governments and corporations have also gotten involved in Usury on a massive scale. And we now live in a time where it's actually possible to see the aftermath dealing with Interest on a global scale. The global economy is collapsing and we have front row seats. Consider going through some documentaries and see the key role Interest plays:

Money As Debt

97% Owned

Money As Debt Part 2

Usury helps create massive and permanent gaps between the rich and the poor. And unless we make radical changes soon; you can expect this gap to only widen further:

In 1960, the 20% of the world’s people in the richest countries had 30 times the income of the poorest 20% — in 1997, 74 times as much.[5]

The wealthiest nation on Earth has the widest gap between rich and poor of any industrialized nation.[6]

The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income. [7]

At the end of the day, we can only make guesses about the full wisdom on why Usury in all of it's forms is so evil. Whether it's $1 or $1000, by taking interest you are supporting this economic slavery system.


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i agree this is clearly anti-semitic

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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Take a look at these facts:

receiving interest means you get money for literally doing nothing

paying interest means you need to come up with money regardless of whether your business is even making money

interest accumulates over time and often surpasses the original sum you lent

for example: at a rate of 8% over 10 years the interest sums up to 115% of the original credit sum

banks often charge 12-30 % interest when they lend you money

when someone owing the bank money already paid back the original sum he is still a "slave" of the bank until the interest is paid... and: the longer he need to pay back the bigger the sum he must pay gets which in some cases leads to growing old and die with debt.

interest is not part of any natural process... the only process where interest is natural is how God rewards and multiplies good deeds. So anyone paying or receiving interest is emulating what is God right alone. interest has also very bad long-term effects on society and on individuals... The one receving interest grows used to making money risk-free and work-free... this leads to a lifestyle mainly based on consumption (which is bad for the environment etc.). But more importantly it leads to feeling much less responsible for one's own actions... The one paying interest becomes more and more a slave of those who lent him money since the burden gets bigger over time... this leads to less self-empowerment and more dependency. Now you can project these on a societal level... you will have lots of "money slaves" (poor) and a small quantity of "money owners/lenders" (rich)... look at the current crises - first the banks made money with non-existing values... then they got into trouble and the countries needed to save them which they mostly did by taking some credit... now the countries have much more debt which in turn is used by the very same banks they rescued against them to make more money... these things would be impossible without interest...

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Theocratic anti-capitalism is ultrabased 😎😎😎

Extremely based. Good write up.

If you don't like it just don't borrow money nigga. Like, don't walk into the bank nigga lmao.

I want to do this but my bussy isn't ready for the BTC (big taxman cock)

unless you're rich, then you don't have to pay it back? imagine how much opioid metabolites you'd have to have in your urine to think this is clever or meaningful


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Are bots becoming too powerful?

As a richcel, I’m in favor of whatever raises my SMV. If having no student loans because of my parents helps me towards that end, so be it.

Wire me 3k I heard foids like generosity towards strangers

Just pull a Nik Ritchie 30k millionaire move and accumulate debt you’ll never pay off for lambos and rolexes

When your piss can kill an entire Appalachian town.

you sound poor


>following goy rules

You mean following jew rules? We are the goy

r/thanksimcured says all the millennials who didn't do four years in the military like I did.

Thank you for your service faggot

Don't mention it. I had a blast masturbating while on duty so you can get cucked by the college system.

Did you get cucked while you were gone or did you decide against getting married to someone you dated for a month?

Lmao. Imagine actually dating gussy. Hell no, I didn't get married in the service

Imagine joining the military lmao

CoDCucks think it’s something to be proud of.

Pshhh you paid for my college degree. My milkshake straw goes all the way across the room. Get cucked.

Even if I weren’t a tranny my disability would bar me from service

Isn't that your disability

Autism but that's implied with the tranny stuff.

Anime appraiser is going to be a new MOS in the Space Force.

You're in the reserves bro, have fun being the first sent to syria to get bombed

Nah son. My IRR, expired a long time ago.

Israel thanks you for your service

Step 1 1/2: give money to israel

Step 2. Go to war for them

*Does not apply to farmers

all the car manufacturers have repaid their TARP loans. farm subsidies keep produce cost down and feed the meat industry. I mean you really think the US would just stop making cars and let it's farmlands die? are you actually retarded?

Yes, let them die.

I refuse to pay the government back.


That reminds me, I'll need to make an appointment with the student finance department to see if there's any more freebux I can sponge. Obviously it'll need to be after 10am, because who TF actually wants to get up early.

Or just live in a non-burger country and have boomers pay for it through taxes 😂

Unironically this. Go to trade school if you k ow your college degree won’t turn out cash.

Oh you’re in trades, how many toilets did you unclog today?

I’m not in trades, I don’t even have a job.


1) Burn Wall Street

That video of the dad asking Warren if he’ll get his money back for sending his daughter to college makes me drip.

Link please

Imagine actually treating your education like an investment and doing the elementary school level math that it takes to work out if you are likely to repay the debt you accrue making that investment in a way that won't leave you insolvent.

Tbh I prefer to do meth.

Charging people for education...

How pathetic. It's like America doesn't want to be a superpower anymore.

What have the Republicans done to my home?

No, raise taxes on everyone so I don't have to pay my loan back!

actually based