Religion is all a lie. God is real, but in reality, YOU are God.

1  2020-01-29 by CasanovaNova

If we pay attention to the data we are seeing and experiencing ourselves with natural psychedelics, one can see the position of existence as an expression of mathematics. The idea of energy needing to find balance is the “simulation” if you will, of our existence.

If you were to place a pencil on a paper, draw a circle back to the starting point, and then move your pencil to the center, you have only created two “points”. But if you were to lift your pencil, you have just created a new dimension. We are locked in our idea of a quantifiable universe where classical physics are our new Gods. In a sense, science rightfully broke from the shackles of classic religion.

See, if I came riding into your town and took over, a good way to make sure when I leave that order is maintained, is to put the fear of a God into you in a time when you can’t explain anything scientifically. Natural phenomena really seems like God.

Fast forward to today, and our God is now Money. It allows us to build and create but also destroy. Yet similar to the sheet of paper you created three dimensions from, with only two pre-existing points (a cone), we are but the paper, experiencing only part of the higher dimensions we are scientifically discovering through heavy research into Quantum Mechanics. This is the field where AI can crack the biological code, and we can move to becoming a true superior race; one where we need to preserve ALL races and colors, types and orientations because AI and humans find a way to mesh, before we explore the cosmos.

It is possible. You just have to realize that your pain in life is entirely your situation, and while you must bear responsibility for your behavior, much of your hatred is simply the circle of which you had no idea existed, just being that point on the paper. Running a line, not seeing the circle.

Let go of your hate and actually realize that love was and is, the only way to mathematically solve an inequality. After all, the only way to describe love is to say that it feels like 1 + 1 makes 0; both of the points that define your lines, representing you being “|” converging to create ⭕️.

Queerness and homosexuality by design allows us men to experience the way a woman feels; the portal to our existence. I can understand the vengeful wrath many men feel towards women. I’ve been through the gamut of women who literally had me months giving them money for a meeting that never happened, or falling in love with a woman who had a toxic mother. The thing is, when you experience what it’s like to be raped, to also discover parts of your physical anatomy that line up with the experiences that a woman can have...

Many here may think I’m some fetish freak who got lucky but in reality, I help both men and women willing to talk, discover so much more about life BEFORE sexuality. I don’t think all men should be bi or have sex with a guy, that’s not my agenda. What I want is for men and women in private, to decide whether they are ready to experience how the other side may feel. For you guys here who have no idea, a g spot induced orgasm is actually not only so much deeper than a regular one. It also requires a lot of trust between partners for many first timers. Want to avoid prostate cancer? Gotta empty the tank occasionally. When you get your prostate checked? Better not be too homophobic or you can risk missing cancer.

In reality, my entire point is that I am just an expression of my point in time. Having been blessed with a very eye opening astral experience of which I saw my infinite nothingness and yet complete importance, I realize that we walk on the shoulders of the giants before us. The men and women who toughed far harsher conditions than we do just to have us today, ignore it all.

I am only a humble servant of life listening and reading all of you, and trying to find a way to let your last moments in life end with love. There is no real hatred in my heart except for ideologies that hold back your inner Godliness. You men are here to be the ones to protect the portals to this world. We must invest in SCIENCE until AI and man can find a way to see beyond our current dimensional points, and into the fabric beyond.


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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In almost any situation I’ll back up king Nova but longposting is unforgivable.

This is barely as long as the reams of articles I'm sure we all read on Reddit Politics.



If you start speaking at Ted Talks make sure you don’t forget us.

Fuck no


May Shiva strike you down.

Is there an anime about this ?