Hello? Based department?

1  2020-01-29 by ChapoDestroyer


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Leon Trotsky


It's hilarious that leftists have embraced whores, trannies, and the disabled, the least productive groups of people, as their main audience, something that no one else would ever do. But then again it makes sense because almost all socialists are impotent losers who feel entitled to the resources they have no claim to.

Feel the Bern.

I used to be a berniebro but Bernie is a coward who can’t stick to his principles

He sticks to it more than other Demofats, which is why he’s the only option tbh

Mark my words: the instant he gets sworn in he'll turn into a neoliberal.




Not all lefties. There are some actual Marxists left.

the virgin tankie's depiction of the USSR vs THE CHAD WAY IT ACTUALLY WAS

For reals, I might have to become a tankie now

So communism was based

Based and redpilled


Notice how the wording was changed from "prostitutes" to "sex workers", because sticks and stones.

Comrade Fyodorov,

It is obvious that a whiteguard insurrection is being prepared in Nizhni. You must strain every effort, appoint three men with dictatorial powers (yourself, Markin and one other), organise immediately mass terror, shoot and deport the hundreds of prostitutes who are making drunkards of the soldiers, former officers and the like.

Wtf I love gommunism now