Get a cat or a dog,?

1  2020-01-29 by inceltiers2

So i need a pet and idk what to get. A cat or a dog? Which one picks chicks up best? Which one do black conservative queens like best?


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Well my brother has got a guitar which he plays terribly, he’s an alright chef and he’s got a cat that is pure liquid. He likes to overshare information as well. Between tinder and bumble I’m pretty sure I’ve got nieces and nephews elsewhere. Get a cat.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Get a cat or a dog,? -,

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Women like dogs obviously so if you want foid attention then get a big, masculine dog. If you want a chill companion go to your local shelter and get a good cat like most deuxchads

A lot of basketballs seem to be afraid of dogs, and the ones that aren't tend to be keep pitbulls. So you're probably not going to pull too many negrofoids with a dog.

Get a life instead nigger



😂 nigs mad x24

get a pibble, mayo foids love them. Plus it will add so much excitement in your life as you never know if snookums is going to snap and try and murder you. Because of this you'll have to take up weight training and jiu jitsu so you will have the ability to take down your sweet pibble. Honestly it's the only choice as I've laid out concrete evidence that you getting a pibble will turn you into a gigachad


I would get a cat. I think dogs are a lot more responsibility. It becomes more of a commitment. Cats are more capable of taking care of themselves.