Why yes, I do guild all of my girlfriends reddit posts, how could you tell?

6  2020-01-31 by companyfry


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/u/xxEnVii Why don't you give your GF platinum? Isn't she better than just mere reddit gold?

You know, he gave me all the awards already ! 😉 multiple times !

Do you have a private alt to post to r/relationship_advice and TwoX about how you're going to leave your suffocating creep of a boyfriend?

Imagine having no privacy and a boyfriend who screens everything you say. Yikes.

I'm only creeped out about the people on here stalking my profile and telling me about all the awards I'm getting 😂 I do have privacy. I dont need to hide anything on the internet though.

Nice try though. Try again.

You know what's more creepy? Your partner gilding every comment of yours.

Nah. You comment all of my comments is creepy though.

You appear in the threads I'm browsing. I respond. Simple.

I sense much jealousy here. So much salt.


Be silent, female 🤜

Shh shh shh

Not guided after ten mins? Smh time to break it off

Why do you all care so much she gets guilded it’s not your money

It also stopped being funny idk after the first two threads


What is your take on this guy stalking his girlfriend's every post and guilding it?

As far as I can see yall be stalking me 😂

This is your future. Embrace it.


And hun, you came here.

That your girlfriend ?

She out of his league tbh.

I dunno, he should do something normal and Chinese like sell a kidney to buy her a third iPhone?

iPhones are junk these days, he would get her a xiaomi mix alpha if he truly loved her.

Samsung S20 Ultra next month for my GF 💜

Why go and waste money on a new phone when her current one works fine? This is the attitude of someone who'll go broke and live in a trailer park in their 30s lol. Poor financial management.

Well my GF has a Note10+ but next month the new ones come out. As I change my phone every year, always have and always will, so will my GF.

And I wouldn’t worry about me going broke. I have investments and bonds that will release over time.

Thanks for caring though.

As I change my phone every year, always have and always will, so will my GF

I couldn't think of a dumber idea. What's wrong with your current phones? What can't they do that a newer one will do?



So your current phones can't do anything? Stupid.

You asked what’s better.

I said everything.

They already the best phones on the market.

I’m talking about what’s to come.

Incorrect. I asked you what your old phones can't do that newer ones will. You said "everything," which means that your old phones can't do anything, but the new ones can do everything.

She’s had every award, multiple platinums and even the Gold Bar award which is €130 each.

How many awards have you had?


Europoors our out out!👉



a cope thread in argh drama

because a man

gilds his girlfriend



Kinkshamingcels 😑

Kink shaming is my kink, seethe more




🔥KOBE🔥🐄 steaks

Kink shaming kink is my kink


dude u should literally put your penis in a man’s buttocks shit would be too funny 😂😂😂

Too late

The only thing cringe, is that they are retards for giving this site money. Anyone that gilds someone is an average redditor.

Only someone who doesn’t get Awards on all those posts would say something like this 😂

Hey paypig, just skip all weird gilding shit and buy her a Birkin.

Alright retard

Hey honey, I bought you a platinum reddit medal to celebrate our anniversary

"OMG honey I can barely take any more...

Maybe just one more hard gold and call it a night."

Nice. But why post a picture of yourself ?

"no u"

Absolutely epic.

ohne flax jetzt mal ist das ein komischer fetisch oder so

Das jemand Komentare gilded ? Dafür sind sie ja da 😉

Oh you're a sauerkraut - no wonder your boyfriend has such a large fetish for giving out good stars.

It's over for poorfagcels

What a society, am I right fellas?


That's a mighty fine stump