Capitalism has failed as much as Communism did

1  2020-01-31 by Comedymara


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Capitalism has failed as much as Co... -,

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Coommies are such bootlickers smh

Do they ever upvote actual Unpopular opinions?

I respect the ratio. I’ve only been able to get 70 comments to 0 upgroots

I know capitalism works because I can shitpost on leddit all day long as opposed to being forced to work in coal mines and get shot for being too slow or injuring myself

He isn't a commie omg.

Ethier op is a 16 year old or exteremly retarded.

three bad months away from being homeless

this guys saves

Please go to Cuba. You don't deserve to live in a first world country if you're going to be so willfully ignorant. why am I ignorant? and also, not a fan of going to cuba, i've built my life where i live. if you're not american, i suggest moving to the usa though

"America and capitalism sucks and kills the poor, but I don't actually like Cuba even though I just said it's better. Also, move to America."

he deleted the post, wth

Reddit commies are pussies.