This, but unironically.

1  2020-02-01 by UnironicBlackBelt


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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This wouldn't have happened if Comrade Stalin was running things.


  1. This, but unironically. -,

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Too true brother.

Is it just me or is deuxrama’s snappy more consistently sentient than drama’s

Deux's snappy is next gen technology. Only the best for this fine group of autists

stop youll give rfy a jannieboner

1939: building the strongest army in the world from an impoverished shithole out of sheer willpower and collective intelligence, trick other countries into using THEIR OWN ARMY to give you a whole country for free with no risk to your own troops or cost, use the million rifles you got from that country and tactical innovation to rout the same countries that gave you the weapons to save their own ass. Conquer or puppet most of the continent in only a few years

2020: Full blown addiction to opioids, living in an Appalachian dystopian squalor, would give your life for a blue collar billionaire who is your collective savior while you figure out what you're going to sell or steal to keep from getting your trailer repossessed at the end of the month.

What happened to the glory of being a vikangz?


Hitler wasn't a vikang. Too dark-haired.

That’s a cool design. Who’s flag is that?

neatherlands, thus the windmill.

Hindu Freedom Militia

No it's not, HFM flags are orange

Oh shit, i got it confused with the Hindu Farming Mission

Nah fam, that just has tulsi-titties and gabbard-ass on it.

It happened, but it was illegal to question it.

Oh, the fucking irony.

Now THAT’S a flag I’ll salute!

wow, a furry, a cunt, AND a nazi

Why the fuck is #4 worse than 1-3? Am I a natzee for not going back in time to save the juden?

The 🕌Islamic🕌 version is missing: It hasn't happened but it should have, and we're going to make sure it will.

based and deadpilled

nr 5: it happened and it was epic


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Real neolib wine aunt posting hours.

The impeachment is an amazing source of salt. When lefties hear me say I'm voting for Trump despite the whole impeachment ordeal, they are NOT happy.

America getting more and more elitist is bad but it's not like the Nazi party.

Nazism isn't the only bad thing.

i'm not gonna lie, this is DEFINITELY ME when i'm starving millions of the judeo bolshevik asiatic horde

Galaxy Brain: It didn’t happen, but it should have.