Good morning I hate women

1  2020-02-02 by CapeshitterCOPE


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never thought i could relate to a foid

...guys, please help. i don't like this.

Stop drinking alcohol.

I need to make a new sub like coomers but for teetotalers where we posit that (((they))) created alcohol in order to oppress the masses.

There's a certain logic to that.

Alcohol is natural, ergo created by God.
Jesus is God.
Jesus was a Jew.

Ergo, the Jews created alcohol.

This doesn't work because according to the Bible Jesus was not a Jew - he was an Israelite who believed in the divinity of Christ, i.e a Christian

so jesus believed in his own divinity?

if thats the case where tf is my religion at? i'm clearly more divine, i'm almighty!

Calm it bruce

Haha wow that's so funny bro I'm dying over here

thanks i worked very hard on that

Jesus drove moneylenders out of the temple.

With his bare hands, he made Jews stop making money and leave a bank.

There's your proof of divinity.

Jesus, do Wall Street next.

Based and redpilled



I friggin love the Jews then

A certain Israelite did like turning water into wine 🤔

he got his disciples drunk in order to convince otherwise based good goy Judas to betray him.

Amazing that his 2000 year old plan to turn the white man submissive was so simple and successful.

The church I went to as a child has a large placard declaring that all members of the church pledged before God not to consume alcohol. Literally they were still prohibitionist, never gave up on it.

If it's so bad then why is Jesus's blood alcohol level 100 times the legal limit to drive?

because jesus doesn't drive

Then why did Jesus take the wheel?

the bible literally has a verse about wine rejoicing the hearts of men, retarded faggots

they're just emulating CHAD MUSLIMS like the Iconoclast Orthodoxes did

I know you’re joking but we’ve been getting drunk since we were monkeys. We also lean towards drinking socially because we would need another monkey to watch our back for predators while we picked up the rotting fermented fruit off the ground, not in the safety of the trees. So people who consistently drink alone really are that much of an evolutionary failure.

on top of the failure i already was?


I'm not sure I buy that we've evolved as a species around alcohol quite that specifically when certain ethnic groups have noticeably worse tolerances, indicating that cultures where alcohol was common long after we came down from the trees are where alcohol tolerance was introduced into the gene pool. Sure, animals can and do get drunk, but I doubt this was a regular thing for our ape ancestors by any stretch given the rarity of fermented windfall.


I'm not sure I buy that we've evolved as a species around alcohol quite that specifically when certain ethnic groups have noticeably worse tolerances

Selling them whiskey and taking their gold ♪♪♫

Enslaving the young and destroying the old ♫♪♪


Stop drinking alcohol, if you struggle with social interactions self-medicating instead of facing your fears and struggling through it will only make it worse.

And before this gets dismissed as retarded boomer shit I've had horrible anxiety for years and years and only started to get over it when I started working in customer service and having stressful social interactions every single day. I forced myself out of my bubble and acted like I was an extrovert and now I've found real social success and it feels amazing, exposure therapy really works. Alcohol is only fun when you don't need it.

Lol. Alcohol is always fun, loser.

Alcohol is always fun but if you’re using it to escape social anxiety you’re probably not gonna really have fun lmao

Replying to this message now that I'm drink. I'm having fun and you are a:

Eff aye gee gee uht


What you drunk on pal

Pbrs and old crow

Hell yeah I’m high as fuck right now we using substances to process emotions out here

Hell yeah dude.

Alcohol is only fun when you drink so much that you dont even note the fun effects before passing out.

Virgin drinking till you black out vs. Chad taking 4 doses of xanax before shooting tequila all night

You relate to a foid? Bad news for you : you're now trans, and you have to cut your dick off.


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Thats because a medical professional wouldnt confirm their anxiety

liberal white women are so fucking retarded that they're actually somehow horseshoeing back to self awareness through sheer retardation. it's like in donkey kong when you reach the edge of the level and come out the other side.

You mean PAC Man

Being literally round in shape, popping pills and chasing ghosts - did the Japs predict the rise of fentanyl-Americans?

me too thanks.

I am pretty sweaty

Wash fatty


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Fuck you dude, sniffle

Nah, that's not the fault of women; That's just another person trying to use their mental illness as an excuse to call drugs 'medication'.

I can SAVE her from her social awkwardness and substance abuse problems.

Wtf do they mean by “brain chemistry”


Their brains don’t produce nature levels of dopamine because of their lifestyle of constant substance abuse and cooming


Sober privilege.