Today I figured out why academics look at Wikipedia with such distain.

1  2020-02-03 by Why_Hillary_Won

Today I figured out why academics look at Wikipedia with such distain.


They don’t hate the fact that anybody can edit Wikipedia. They hate who that “anybody” is: the plebians who they are made equal to in the eyes of the public. And also the people who now have access to information that would otherwise be restricted, rendering them less important and weakening their power.


Agree with me or pay jizyah.


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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this is less drama, and more pathetically sad

he has such an undeveloped set of social skills and lack of awareness of the size of things it's piteous


  1. Today I figured out why academics l... -,

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pay jizyah

how much is jizyah

It's income dependent, but usually a pretty heavy tax. Part of it's purpose is to encourage converting to Islam in order to switch to paying the lighter Zakat.

Yeee I'm gonna need this zakat. Do I need to bring my own turban or will you guys hook me up?

Turbans are only needed for work with sanitary requirements. Read a book

I'll bring one just in case

Jizyah is taxation for dhimmis (tolerated non-Muslims), so nothing of your concern, Brother.

Ah thank you 🙏Truly Allah has great mercy. For if I were to come up with the system those infidels would burn.

half a gallon of semen is one jizz-yeah

Teachers and profs always said 'dont use wikipedia as source' and people would still use it and just copy the whole wikipedia source bar in their sources.



of which you have absorbed an amalgam of information of

It never even began for of-cels

I had a prof who would copy parts of wikipedia articles word for word onto his slides

Broke: learning what you teach

Woke: letting a student aid of color teach

Bespoke: letting a totally anonymous stranger teach

It’s like being cucked, but paying tuition for it to happen.

Good Will Hunting paid a $1.38 in late charges from the local library for an education he could have gotten for free off wikipedia

As a teacher I encourage my students to use wiki. I encourage them to source what they read but if the information is there and correct, why go somewhere else? It’s also not just anyone who can edit the majority of Wikipedia. Go try to edit a page about history and see what happens. It’s not like you’re going to go there and just see straight up lies about heavily researched subjects.

I have friend who called out their teacher on it. Teacher just responded "Don't worry, i wrote all of them myself".

i dont understand why degrees are still a thing anymore. You should just have to pay a fee to take a test proving you have the knowledge required for X title and be done with it. College is such a fucking scam anymore.

Some colleges are just glorified trade schools.

The best ones are social clubs with good connections


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new name me tell you for disbeliever

what we haffi call dem dirty kuffar

dem no respect de almighty one

throw dem dem a di fire dem a burn burn burn

new name me tell you for disbeliever

what we haffi call dem dirty kuffar

dem no respect di most high one

throw dem dem a di fire dem a burn

you see de national front man dem?

dem a dirty kuffar

di ku klux klan?

dem a dirty kuffar

di bnp man?

dem a dirty kuffar

di ronald reagan?

was a dirty kuffar

di national front

dem a dirty kuffar

trow dem in di fire

I make my own paper so I can print out wikipedia articles.

I just copy Wikipedia articles and paste them in a site that changes the words to different synonyms. Then I put the sources that are in the Wikipedia article.


I simply copy Wikipedia articles and paste them in an exceedingly web site that changes the words to totally different synonyms. Then I place the sources that area unit within the Wikipedia article.

How To Sound Like An Illiterate Foreign Exchange Student With One Easy Trick!

Only works for non-whites.

peer editors hate him

Anything academic that's master's level or lower is by definition work that has to be plagiarized artfully. There is not a single topic in that whole scope of study that requires developing an original thought or idea. In fact, trying to write anything original will get you markedly worse grades. It's actually just a test on a student's ability to word vomit the same ideas.

Once you understand this. Any kind of paper becomes easy as long as you have a basic understanding of the topic. Get all your information from wikipedia and it's equivalent. Once you've finished your pretentious and completely inconsequential paper on things people have known for hundreds of years, you can just search google for books, journals, papers, etc. that cover that topic and use them as your source.

wiki is basicaly lock down by poopsockers who believes themselves to be the gatekeepers of information. They literally change the definition of common words to push agendas.


I'm a muslim I can't pay jizyah

Oh no. I didn’t mean it like that.

I didn’t wish to imply that Islam was the correct religion.

Jizyah is just something I’ve appropriated on behalf of the only true religion, the Catholic Church.

Sorry for any confusion.


ok muslim


Just started uni, huh?

academics look at Wikipedia with such distain


who that “anybody” is: the plebians


Either your university is full of shit, or you're just a complete retard. I bet on the latter.

Based af

Yeah, cant charge that $300 for a bunch of pages wrapped in cellophane that you have to buy your own binder for.

I'll pay jizyah on ur face
