Nigger rises up. r/iowa seething

1  2020-02-05 by cmRyYW1hYWNjb3VudA


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This, but unironically.


  1. Nigger rises up. r/iowa seething -,

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u/enoughnolibspam dont worry we stand with mayo power in r/deuxrama !!


Same story as the last few hundred years...pretending to be against gibs but only when it's not a vikangz. a trillion dollars of student debt enslaving me and/or my children for life from universities raising costs astronomically and wasting it on a bunch of bullshit for no reason, it's okay as long as it's just the white administrators. Niggers getting things they don't deserve is the issue with affirmative action and literally the only reason I didn't get into Harvard, but white women getting AA doesn't count, nor does the 15% of students that got in because their parents went there. Some urban Tyrone getting food stamps disgusts me, but I love my farmer welfare gibs. Some billionaire is making me pay to clean up the pollution he dumped on my land, and I have cancer, but he deserves it unlike that filthy poor Mexican getting an imaginary cash welfare program I dreamed up. Cracka ass crackas.