1  2020-02-07 by SaltOverPlow


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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imagine not showing your toddler trannies getting assfucked by BBCs

I don't know, did you try giving someone head? Or maybe let a tranny pound your ass, it's whatever yo


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turn that piss

turn that piss

Into poop

If we’re in a simulation what are small children but turds in the proverbial bowl


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Groomer moment


lgbt reproduce by raping kids 👏👏

Ofc its a wh*te foid.


All women are queens, every foid that is bad is acshully a tranny.

Nah, this is clearly a psy-op.

Autism made me look it up and it really is just another mayo manyvids thot begging for coomer scraps. Her original account got suspended (@QueenAnna420) and she now goes by @queen_anna_420.

elite #findom brat


Look into MKULTRA and Project Monarch and educate yourself. This young woman was obviously brainwashed at an even earlier age, most likely to be passed around by celebrities, politicians, and other (((elites))) at their Moloch-worshipping pedophile orgies. As an adult, that same programmkng is compelling her to promote degeneracy to other impressionable children.

They are grooming by proxy now. Social media was not a mistake. It is 100% functioning as intended.

Holy shit her tweet history is fucking pathetic


I fucking hate this trend, only retard weebs like it

How far down the slippery slope are we now? I lost track after "bake the cake, bigot".

We’re past “Suck the dick, lesbian.”

Fuck the dog, bigot


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do you think god stays in heaven because he, too, fears what he has created?

What do you think hell was for?

Foids killed God

le ebic reddit moment 😲

Why couldn't God have just stopped with men?


nice cock bro. a little on the small side, but the shape is overall pretty symmetrical, and your balls have just the right amount of hair.


  1. FAGGOT - archive.org, archive.today

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Queer, nonwhite, and uplifting porn

Made by kids for kids

a hollywood remake of of mice and men but it's a foid with a twitter account instead of lennie

Tell me about the pibbles again, George.

say nigger lennie

"you guys remind me of 2 guys in a book" applies to every f*male on twitter as well

Der ewige thot.

"We just want to get married".

Funny how at the time they didn't add "and show gay interracial porn to small children".

We need Bussyjudge in office to restore faith in fags!

Yes, this is exactly what the average gay person wants.

This but unironically

If it isn’t specifically what you chose then it didn’t happen

It would be a lot more acceptable for her to just say she was molested as a child

Don’t copy /r/CumTown, faggot

>thinking FAGGOT posts originated on cumtown

lmao amazingly retarded.

No, I’m saying that you specifically copied it from there lmao

copied what? we used to FAGGOT post on r/opieandanthony. where do you think cumtown got it from retard? once the sub got banned we migrated and started doing it there. you are such a faggot lol.

You’ve openly admitted on here that you steal things from /r/CumTown come on man you were caught just accept it.

steal? lmao my sub's honor! i took the pic from the current frontpage of r/coomer. i'm offended that you're accusing me of copying cumtown by making a FAGGOT post because they took it from us. you are one smoothbrained fella.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/Coomer using the top posts of all time!

#1: You can't make this shit up | 70 comments
#2: Λddicted (ヽゟ欧) | 86 comments
#3: The Schoomer | 69 comments

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m*yocide literally cannot come soon enough


white women

Anna blaze is intelligent. Racism is bad and only intelligence people are able to see it everywhere. I learned computers so I am smart. I am intelligent so I want you to be proud of me. Racism is awful! I can see it everywhere! I learned from clever people. I AM CLEVER BE PROUD OF ME. Racism!!!!

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