North Korea has 1st case of coronavirus infection. Will the based Virus finally overthrow communism?

1  2020-02-08 by GreekJudge


This better not awaken anything in me.


  1. North Korea has 1st case of coronav... -,*

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Xi is losing control of China because of the coronavirus, now North Korea is infected. That just leaves Cuba and Venezuela. If all four commie dictatorships collapse, will tankies finally surrender?

china isn't really communist though


Venezuela isn't communist. They just nationalized their oil and used the money to subsidize a lot of public programs.

China is not communist. They are state capitalist. It's called dengism.

Of course, communism as Marx defined it was never achieved. What you mentioned is the result of trying to turn into reality the delusions of a retarded degenerate German born in the 19th Century.


well let's make a list

  • coronavirus goes into ace2 receptor which is far higher in smokers, almost 1/2 north korean men smoke every day

  • coal based economy and infrastructure, as well as extreme smog from china on the korean peninsula + seasonal yellow sand from the gobi desert

  • weakened immune system from lifelong malnutrition

cultural enrichment imminent