What a faggot

1  2020-02-08 by Trump_FTW_88


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I believe it’s over 50 now in under 25s

So if we all agree to annoy the shit out of ourselves and scare the crap out of real girls in the bathrooms and places, we can give these people a slightly lower chance of offing themselves.

Well that sounds like a brilliant policy success. No need to investigate any imaginable alternatives.


still not high enough

deuteronomy 22:5

This is why Joan of Arc was burned at the steak :(

Damn it, where are the salty faggots commenting about how triggered they are? That's half the fun with these posts!


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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.


  1. What a faggot - archive.org, archive.today

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beep. boop. I'm a bot that provides downloadable links for v.redd.it videos!

I also work with links sent by PM

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one joke

you can't just say that everytime someone makes fun of trannies

I can do whatever I want, I'm a free man of the land.

Be careful saying that you're a free man of the land, you might change your mind and decide that you're actually a free woman of the land.

Leave em' alone already jerk 😤


Every joke is one joke you fucking retard

And how is that a counterargument? If every joke is one joke, that makes this joke a one joke, therefore making my observation that it's a one joke correct.

I coomed

Because i dont care that its one joke

One response

lol at tbhe downvotes. cishet seethe

Remember to upvote the retards (lolcows) too

I can't believe the only one to say this is the flairless mong

This isn't even the joke that's the "one joke"