So if we all agree to annoy the shit out of ourselves and scare the crap out of real girls in the bathrooms and places, we can give these people a slightly lower chance of offing themselves.
Well that sounds like a brilliant policy success. No need to investigate any imaginable alternatives.
And how is that a counterargument? If every joke is one joke, that makes this joke a one joke, therefore making my observation that it's a one joke correct.
1 AutoModerator 2020-02-08
Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?
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12 dylanbg 2020-02-08
15 AnnoyinTheGoyim 2020-02-08
I believe it’s over 50 now in under 25s
1 Venom_VA 2020-02-08
also :
1 pol__invictus__risen 2020-02-08
So if we all agree to annoy the shit out of ourselves and scare the crap out of real girls in the bathrooms and places, we can give these people a slightly lower chance of offing themselves.
Well that sounds like a brilliant policy success. No need to investigate any imaginable alternatives.
1 [deleted] 2020-02-08
1 voice_of_ukraine 2020-02-08
still not high enough
6 born_again_fred 2020-02-08
deuteronomy 22:5
3 CheesePizza- 2020-02-08
This is why Joan of Arc was burned at the steak :(
4 arsepirate69 2020-02-08
Damn it, where are the salty faggots commenting about how triggered they are? That's half the fun with these posts!
3 CopeSeetheAndDilate 2020-02-08
1 VredditDownloader 2020-02-08
beep. boop. I'm a bot that provides downloadable links for videos!
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-02-08
The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 PissedOffWithKnives 2020-02-08
1 VredditDownloader 2020-02-08
beep. boop. I'm a bot that provides downloadable links for videos!
I also work with links sent by PM
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-1 QuadNarca 2020-02-08
one joke
13 eparlaturb 2020-02-08
you can't just say that everytime someone makes fun of trannies
16 QuadNarca 2020-02-08
I can do whatever I want, I'm a free man of the land.
11 RedRyder360 2020-02-08
Be careful saying that you're a free man of the land, you might change your mind and decide that you're actually a free woman of the land.
2 MasterLawlzFan 2020-02-08
Leave em' alone already jerk 😤
4 Soviet_Samuelson 2020-02-08
10 0asis_Mirage 2020-02-08
Every joke is one joke you fucking retard
2 QuadNarca 2020-02-08
And how is that a counterargument? If every joke is one joke, that makes this joke a one joke, therefore making my observation that it's a one joke correct.
5 DrunkAngryPelosi 2020-02-08
I coomed
2 Soviet_Samuelson 2020-02-08
Because i dont care that its one joke
7 fitness 2020-02-08
One response
3 nonobo21 2020-02-08
lol at tbhe downvotes. cishet seethe
2 DrunkAngryPelosi 2020-02-08
Remember to upvote the retards (lolcows) too
1 Trump_FTW_88 2020-02-08
I can't believe the only one to say this is the flairless mong
1 Girkoplesa 2020-02-08
This isn't even the joke that's the "one joke"