The subreddit this was posted in surprised me.

1  2020-02-08 by brave_athee


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. The subreddit this was posted in su... -,

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I downvoted you back. Whatchu gonna do about it faggot ?

Nothing. That's what I thought.

You're surprised femcels are being salty and jealous? And that they'd pick up on a story of an attractive famous wealthy guy showing interest in a younger woman?


The FBI at the end was surprising.

Drake watching this like "bitch stop exposing me"


thats how you know its women on that sub. Terribly unfunny. The rest of the comment are all some variation of “thats so unjust”.