Redditor's uncle is a psychopathic killer. But what's the creepiest part about the whole thing?

1  2020-02-09 by thealphabetagent


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And that uncle's name? Albert Einstein.

I don't really know what's hard to believe about this. His uncle was South African, who are famous for killing things for money. If anything you should be doubting it if he didn't want to murder niggers. They literally had a state terrorist agency that blew up black people demonstrating for freedom. At some point some Jesus freak private mercenary leader had the bright idea to inject blacks with HIV even.

It might have been easier to believe if they didn't take a detour to explain what was _really_ creepy about uncle merc.

Kaffir is so offensive that it was literally technically illegal under apartheid lol.

This made up uncle sounds fucking BASED.

YIKES gonna pass on that sub bud 😬😬

ill mark it down 4 some gas tho 👌😎👍


  1. Redditor's uncle is a psychopathic ... -,

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