Watchredditdie goes into total lockdown after banning users and deleting several weeks worth of posts.

1  2020-02-09 by CannedWolfMeat


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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If you spent as much time trying to get pussy as you do showing off your double down syndrome on the internet you might still have a chance of becoming a man by the time you hit your forties.


  1. Watchredditdie goes into total lock... -,

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They banned me a few hours ago. JANNIES GONE WILD

Beat drama by almost an hour. Caw caw!

Here's the guy who did it bragging about it in a post on r/JusticeServed. He seems to be a mod there as well.

He was the guy that did the 'furry takeover' at r/justiceserved too