How true Northerners eat meat 💅🏻❄️

1  2020-02-09 by Meowsommar


Is that squirrel or trash panda?

Eat my meat

looks completely unseasoned

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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  1. How true Northerners eat meat 💅🏻❄️ -,

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What does cat intestine taste like?

Imagine not recognizing expensive wagyu beef when you see it 💅🏻

Wagyu is just some fake name so they can dupe idiots out of top yen for tripe.


i see some nice browning on there, cool



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Yikes! Imagine this much autocope. Back me up on this, /u/Lysergic10.

What sorta disgusting shit is that