Reeeee my video game needs more diversity (1500+ post thread about muh fee fees!)

1  2020-02-10 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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imagine thinking ESO is a competitor to fucking wow lmao

It is thou

its as competitive as your 500lb ass trying to outrun Bolt in a 100m sprint.


Two orcs buttfucking is the sort of representation I demand

That already happens. I remember doing Horde newbie quests where I kept getting the response "Me not that kind of orc". Seems that type of orc was common outside Orgrimar.

Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


  1. Reeeee my video game needs more div... -,

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They are all fucking gay already, if anything they need more non gaymers.

Say no to gayming y'all

Video games should have been outlawed already 😒