No need to worry about the coronavirus anymore. r/witchcraft got it handled.

1  2020-02-10 by Trump_FTW_88


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Is there anything more reddit than downvoting totesmessenger because you don't like the sub it links to?


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I never tried to pull off something like this, let alone across multiple timezones. Does anyone have any concrete ideas how to do this?

If every witch here on Reddit who is willing to participate informs just one or two other practitioners that they know IRL, we could have hundreds if not thousands of people raising energy at the same time and sending out some real strong positive vibes collectively!

homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. No need to worry about the coronavi... -,

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Great idea. I will make them the focus of my daily meditations.

Lmao these crystal dust sniffers probably don't even have the guts to sacrifice virgin maidens to the volcano gods

I didn’t know people could be that dumb. If they wanted to ”heal” people in need. Donate masks and food.

You never met white people before?

Specifically the vagina-having kind.

Making fun of people are simply praying for Wuhan yea that makes a lot of sense.

It does

hoes mad

I'll pray for you too

pray that my wife will stop complaining that my dick is too fat for her tight asshole.

I have coronavirus too, can you do a spell to save me?

Hello! As someone from r/witchcraft I would like to tell you we don’t endorse, provide, or do anything beyond whatever each person believes in. We don’t believe we a cure all. We do not believe in so many number of things you get wrong but I am willing to discuss.

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


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