Indian men literally form a mob and storm a women's university in order to sexually assault them en masse

1  2020-02-11 by CroatianSAMCrew


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Their culture is so beautiful 😍 😍 😍

In this moment, I am euphoric.

not because of any country's rape laws

but because I am lusting for bobs and vagene

I actually carry around a point-and-shoot film camera, and regularly take pictures of people in public to add to my own cringe compilation. I make sure the flash is on and say "SNAP" when I do it.

The following is a list of situations in which I've added people to my cringe compilation:

  1. A man I was secretly watching at the gym was unable to complete a full set during his workout (I was counting) and at an unimpressive weight no less.

  2. An elderly woman on the bus dropped her change while attempting to pay for a ticket.

  3. The gentleman making my sandwiches at subway had to ask for clarification no less than 3 times during the sandwich creation process.

  4. You making this post.


  1. Indian men literally form a mob and... -,*

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When world's collide

classic india

what WILL they think of next????



That would be a new one.

thousands of Indians working together to grope a whole college

If that's not big brain strats, I don't know what is

Indian gussy 🤢

Absolute state of currycels.

two things beyond parody already this morning

Why'd you do it? /u/cassanova

I’m WEST INDIAN moron, we control the largest supply of oil now discovered.

India needs to get its shit together.

You're from Pakistan?

kek. bragging about the oil reserves of your ancestral land as if it will make them any less shitty or anyone but billionaires and millionaires will reap the benefit.

Don't tell me you don't immediately get rapey when you're in a large group

It's all the same

King shit

So this is the superpower were waiting for in 2020.

Superpower by 2030

Indian here. Ngl, a vast majority of men here have absolutely horrible attitudes towards women, particularly women who wear "western clothing". And since this was the annual music fest of the college, there were guranteed to be girls putting on their best clothes, many of them dresses.

Delhi is particularly bad. Because it is a small, modern, well off metropolis that shares borders with 3 of the worst states in the country (w.r.t. women). So, men from those states(as well as Delhi men) tend to use as a place they can go to let steam off, have some fun(that includes catcalling women) and then go back to their homes in the neighboring states.

It can be pretty exasperating. I come from one of these hick states myself, and even though I've been living in Delhi for over 6 years now, every once in a while I go home in the holidays and get to speak to my school friends who're still there. The attitude, the entitlement, the lack of seeing women as people is sickening. And anytime you try to correct them they just laugh and call you a cuck/white knight

I'm sorry, you appear to have mistaken this sub for a forum where facts are discussed using logic, reason and empathy to help make the world a better place. This is Deuxrama, where spineless cowards come to hold their breath until their opinions matter more than the facts. They would prefer whining to winning.

Good luck finding a place to discuss your concerns in a rational manner. If I might make a suggestion, try anywhere else.

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Careful, you're starting to sound like a jannie.

I came out to my family that I'm into anal vore.

Let me elaborate.

I'm a male in my early 20's. If you were to ask me who I am, the 1st thing I would instantly say is "l am an anal vore fanatic". Its who I am. It’s my identity. Anal vore is my life, and it felt important enough for me to tell my friends and family. I decided the best way to tell them would be to have an anal vore "coming-out party", though didn't tell them that the party was going to be about anal vore ahead of time. I'm not stupid. I knew they would look it up in Google and see a bunch of stupid things and criticisms by trolls about it, so I decided that to make the best impression of anal vore I would have to present it to them myself.

I ordered pizzas and planned a lot of fun activities we could do that would explain to my friends and family what anal vore is.

It started when they came in through the door. I gave everyone a sealed envelope and told them not to open it until I said so. When everyone had arrived (grandparents, aunts and uncles, my parents, 3 of my cousins, and a couple non-family friends), I announced what the purpose of the party was and had them open the envelopes. I had commissioned a popular artist that I really like to draw sketches of each of my family members/friends anal voring me, and printed these pictures out and put them in the envelope (he agreed to do the sketches for $5/each BTW so it wasn't too expensive for me). Everyone kinda laughed and a couple of them were confused when explained (my grandpa got kind of mad at me though). I basically explained to them that I'm into anal vore and what it is. I don't think they took it very well though because they joked a lot about it (they kept asking if I was serious or if I was joking). A couple people (my parents and grandparents mostly) seemed upset though, unfortunately.

The next part of the party was I hooked up my laptop to my TV with an HDMI cable and I started showing them my favorite anal vore pictures that I had saved on my computer. This is where the party kind of took a turn for the worse. One of my uncles got really mad and started calling me names (l don't want to repeat them here) but my aunt defended me.

We argued for a bit and most of my family left at that point... I kept showing them the anal vore pictures I saved but they started leaving and only my cousins and close friends chose to remain and look at the pictures with me. What did I do wrong? Is this basically something that only younger people enjoy? Because I'm pretty sure my grandparents hated anal vore (l still love them though even if we can't see eye to eye on this subject that's extremely important to me).

Anyways the next part of the party that I had planned for so long and was expecting to be a bit hit was a kind of interactive anal-vore reading game. I had printed out one of my favorite anal vore stories and wanted to pass around the story and we would all read a part aloud, but that didn't really go as planned. One of my cousins said they thought it was "creepy"...? I tried to convince her that it'd be cool but no one wanted to do it. I had to read the story myself but when they started talking to each other about things NOT related to anal vore I kind of gave up

The party kind of fizzled out. We just watched TV for a bit, I kept talking about anal vore a bit (but not as much as I wanted) and after the party was over everyone (the people who were left at the end, anyway) finally left.

Did I do anything wrong? Should I try to do the party again, because I think they may have interpreted my interest wrong? It’s really important for me and I want them to know, but how can I communicate my love of anal vore to my family members who are specifically picky about such issues, such as my uncle who was intolerant of me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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I actually carry around a point-and-shoot film camera, and regularly take pictures of people in public to add to my own cringe compilation. I make sure the flash is on and say "SNAP" when I do it.

The following is a list of situations in which I've added people to my cringe compilation:

  1. A man I was secretly watching at the gym was unable to complete a full set during his workout (I was counting) and at an unimpressive weight no less.

  2. An elderly woman on the bus dropped her change while attempting to pay for a ticket.

  3. The gentleman making my sandwiches at subway had to ask for clarification no less than 3 times during the sandwich creation process.

  4. You making this post.

"I actually carry around a point-and-shoot film camera, and regularly take pictures of people in public to add to my own cringe compilation. I make sure the flash is on and say "SNAP" when I do it."

I'm sure you do. I'm sure you take pictures of all the cringey things you see every day. I'm sure you pass judgement on everything and everyone around you.

Just make sure you point the camera the right way. I'd hate for you to have a moment of irony....:)

all-fugees RAUS

Go ahead, flip the camera. They're waiting for you over in r/selfawarewolves.

All of reddit is like that. Especially the default subs. On worldnews, this article was posted by a goddamn Paki who deliberately inflated numbers(it was only thirty or so men).

🤣 god damn you poocels are seething

Lol you don't have anything on us to seethe

Did that rape-marriage law ever get passed?

Haha cuck/white knight

Why do Indian men always stare at me?

probably just want your feet pics collection.


Sorry sweatie I forgot thinking women deserves rights makes me a cuck

what have these girls at the festival ever done for me or u?


So they confused foids dressed as prostitutes for prostitutes?

calls Kashmiris animals

acts like animals

Not all Kashmiris are bad, just like not all Indians are bad.

In contrast to Muslims, who are most definitely all bad.

Women can exist for the purpose of being fucked and still be people, bigot.

India has reached peak inceldom.

They reached the peak long ago, they just started reporting it more often 🤫

You just need to put groups of these near every vital entry point that the horde could get through.

Like caltrops, (galtraps) to slow them down. The vagine alone should keep them occupied and docile enough to round up for disposal later.

Donate now, to the Bobs for India Fund.

it’s been over for India before it ever began
