Rude ass white man demanding to speak English!!

1  2020-02-11 by Meowsommar

Why do you white men think people speak English all over the world? Instead of bothering to learn the language of the place they are visiting or putting 2 and 2 together, why are they super rude?

So, I was in a queue and since it was getting crowded, the staff came out and told people to queue like a zig zag to avoid blocking the corridor. I also didn’t understand exactly what she was saying but from the body language and what the locals were doing, it was easy to tell.

Then, the staff started talking about ticket type. Like if you hold this ticket, the queue is here. Again I didn’t know what she was saying exactly but when I heard the name of the ticket and saw locals shifting places, it was pretty obvious. So, I raised my hand and showed the ticket. The staff gestured to move to a certain place.

Then, this group of toxic masculinity white privilege fueled men led by a guy who looked like /u/ancientforest with a dumb annoyed look on his face yelled out, “HEY!!! IN ENGLISH!!!” The staff froze in shock and looked back at him like, “what?

First of all. 99% there were locals who most likely don’t speak English. Why would the staff use English to communicate?

Secondly, he could have just raised his hand and asked privately about his inquiry instead of demanding to use English.

Lastly, he looked like /u/ancientforest ☹️


Good, nice post to print and wipe my ass with it later on. I believe dedicated people can write a shitton like those/make fake researches, put up 2+2 and make it seem like legit stuff, yeah?


  1. Rude ass white man demanding to spe... -,

  2. /u/ancientforest -,

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Don't make fun of ancientforest. You are an uggo.

You are an uggo

noo dont kick me :(

oh no pls dont kick me :(

white tourists is the same

people to queue

Speak English

> Why do you white men think people speak English all over the world?

Because it's an extremely common language all over the world, especially in areas where there's a lot of business or tourism. The British colonized a shit ton of places and spread English far and wide.

If you're in a village in the middle on Mongolia, okay. but if you're in Tokyo, odds are someone standing near you is at least passable in English.

> toxic masculinity white privilege fueled men

Serious question, have you EVER accused a black man of exhibiting toxic masculinity? Or an Asian man? Or is "toxic masculinity" something that only "white privilege men" can express.

Also, what was this man's net worth? Did his parents die from cancer when he was 3? You don't know. You don't know shit about this guy. You are assuming he has privilege because YOU are racist. "White privilege, even by the most toxic feminist standards, doesn't exist outside of majority white countries."

You are LITERALLY giving an example of a scene in which this guy has no white privilege as an example of him having it. that's some deeeply racist shit right there

Oh god the effort posting.🤮

do u mind if u post pics of ur mom being gangbanged here?


open your mouth nice and wide

cuz I'm boutta fart into it

it’s beautiful

chinks mad

All i can say is


Imagine looking down on jungle asians when nobody in your country can speak English half as well as Filipino peasants. 🤭

Speak English weeb.

Why did you come back.