Mysterious Odor

1  2020-02-12 by MediatedByImage

I have noticed a smell lately coming from the forest.

I can smell it at the house when there is a big enough breeze.

When I go outside I notice it and it seems to get stronger as I approach the woods.

However, once I enter the woods, the smell seems to disappear.

It smells as if you were to vigorously stir a jar of turpentine with some kind of meat, like a Hot Dog.

I am thinking it could be some kind of pest in the trees.

Does this sound familiar?


Yes Minecraft is symbolic in many ways with The book of Revelation in the Bible and is preparing Us for the End-times war. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts are undeniable and the similarities are tantamount to the fact this game was divinely created through the hand spiritually. The Creator of this game goes by the name of Notch and in Jewish Gematria that equals = 201 and Roman in Jewish Gematria also equals = 201 same goes for with Apollo and what does that mean, you tell me.


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Ah, it’s Notch’s personal scent. Good call, Snappy

sounds like the smell of rotting wood and roots after a lot of forest is clearcut but its probably something else

This is possible, there was some clearcutting done about 20km away over the last couple of years. Do you think that would be noticeable at that distance?

yes, wind

Okay, it is nothing to be concerned with?

You'll die and youre actually very sick, there's no smell of turpentine outside.

Where are you?

Behind you

Wow, that was actually really scary. I had to look Behind me.

But really, I doubt you are close enough to me to smell the same smell outside as I do.

I smell ur sweaty balls

Saying that you were behind me has got me pretty nervous. You really scared me. I am probably going to have a hard time falling asleep.