How do you do fellow coders 😎

1  2020-02-12 by WhereDidSerotoninGo


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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C++? At best those trannies do Python, and mostly Ruby or C#.

C++ is for the true autists, the unwashed weirdos who don't make eye contact.

At best they update READMEs on GitHub and force people to add code of conducts.

"This manual should use inclusive language"

"We need to change the master/slave terminology"

Master/slave should be replaced by daddy/sub

Commit 46be5bded: Added Title selection drop-down for users.

(6456 issues later)

Commit 52abdf42: Removed title selection drop down.

git rev-parse --short $GITISH

The santa emoji is anti-Semitic


You’re burying the lead, like two tweets down she starts bitching about male and female sockets

Of course there are also cis foids looking for attention. We're used to it by now.

did you read the article about mastedon? the troons didn't write a single line of code but caused huge political divides and ruined the community. the actual dev must hate troons now even if he didn't before.

the actual dev must hate troons now even if he didn't before.

And one day out of nowhere people voted for Trump.


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C++ is for the true autists, the unwashed weirdos who don't make eye contact.

troons are unwashed, greasy and smear on their lipstick like a drunk 95 year old... but they do love their creepy eyecontact.

I'm talking about the autists who kind of like to avoid attention and social contact, at all.

Trannies share a lot in common but they just can't get enough attention.

unwashed weirdos who dont make eye contact

So trannies?

There are two kind of autists. The loud ones, and the ones who'd love it if everyone in the room would go away. C++ is for the latter.


That's for the non verbal autists.


At best those trannies do Python, and mostly Ruby or C#

Ruby / RoR I'll give you but C# is 99% Pajeets

isn’t Ruby dead? like the OG maintainers moved onto functional programming frameworks

there was a ton of drama with rubygems that I mainly only paid attention to

no idea, never used ruby but seen enough twittertroids that call themselves ruby "devs"

I do c# dev so brb gonna lust for bobs and vagene

c# is solid dude, but the shift is 100% to sell your job to a team of 2-3 indians posing as 1

Also I forgot to mention most of those very visible tranny "coders" are community managers who can run a few scripts to sort through tweets.

Java gang

Laugh all you want, C++ is a wonderful language and if you haven't mastered it you're a script kiddie larping as a programmer

I agree. Even now when I don't use it as often, it's a great tool to have when nothing else will just do what you require.

Like 99% of trannies are literally autistic

100% are repulsive

They're the kind of autists that make you wish they were nonverbal.

I think Ive spotted him, second last in line with the classic virgin walk. And I think that's Stallman in the fedora.

Stallman is peak autism. I loved his piece explaining his main way of browsing the internet is wget. Also he's a drama factory every time he starts opening his mouth about age of consent.

Trannies do PHP.

PHP is the frankenstein creature of programming languages. About just as likely to turn on its master.

i got a new business idea that will make you rich...programmer socks that come with a pack of razorblades and a bottle of tylenol. send me the check later


Give it up folks, einstein over here has something to say. What's that buddy? Wha- A grammatical error?!? WHAT?!? B... Bu... That can't be possible! Surely not! A GRAMMAR MISTAKE? IN MY SIGHT?!? What a great, absolute miracle that you and your 257 IQ Brain was here to correct it! Thank you! Have my grattitude, Actually, What's your cashapp? I'd like to give you 20$... Know what? While we're at it have the keys to my car. Actually, no, scratch that. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up and fuck my wife. Also, my Paypal username and password is: Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Go have fun. Thank you for your work.ο»Ώ


  1. How do you do fellow coders 😎 -,

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unprecedented levels of based

vegeta scouter blowing up levels of based

How the fuck does a database work?

memory optimization, a prototypical-ML style optimizer that uses statistics to search faster, storage, and autism in its most pure form

Okay thank you for your consultation


There is nothing more feminizing than computer programming knowledge

angry gay sounds

This is why I don't understand why the Learn to Code campaign failed.

the jobs never really existed, most are continually being outsourced to India

and with companies eating each other up its accelerating

How many of you dramatards do I have to block before you people learn to stop effort posting?


Also the people you'll train quickly will mostly perform worse than pajeets, cost more, and require days off and shit like that.

yeah if the business wants to end up with broken apps and shitty spag code

smarter business realise inhouse development yields better shit

the code diaper

bc you don't have to be that smart to learn to code, but you probably have to be smarter than someone who's job involves making lists of cat gifs


should have been an anime comic book

virgin sea plus plus vs CHAD python

Computers are mostly for homos. Staring into a fire is better

Have met coders that would confirm this.

C sucks, let's put more shit on top to "fix" it

-- Bjarne Stroustrup

It's all about ethics in properly gendering anime characters


I have this book rofl

Dlang > C++

fite me

Would unironically teach all of my uggo friends to code and then prostitute them to Japanese salarymen if the process detailed in this image turned out to be legit.

talking shit?

Most modern code today is "niggerlicious," as Terry Davis would say.