gay man is making a woman’s story about himself 🤦🏽‍♂️

1  2020-02-13 by Comedymara


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Good, nice post to print and wipe my ass with it later on. I believe dedicated people can write a shitton like those/make fake researches, put up 2+2 and make it seem like legit stuff, yeah?


  1. gay man is making a woman’s story a... -,

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He should know better.

Just for once someone needs to let a woman finally make something about themselves.

As a "native" spanish speaker I am overcome with hatred every time some American liberal gay goes on about how "enlightened" you are for using "gender neutral" language, and insinuating that all language must be "gender neutral" in order to be enlightened. It's not even western liberals, it's American liberal gays, none of this could apply to Western Europe outside of the UK. This tweet is literally by "UN Women" to illustrate the extreme hypocrisy, and also tries to argue that any noun that ends in "man" is gendered. Idiotic, and I'm glad that so many people in the world are sexually abused as children. Many of them will be people who argue this shit will be those kids.

I mean, maybe if you people didn't feel the need to give doors genders it wouldn't be much of an issue.

Even the aryans do that's really you who is fucked up

Imagine going to another country that speaks your language, and experiencing culture shock because they said “orange” as female.

This is what Spanish thinks is normal.

naranja is female though so i have no idea what u r getting at

It never made sense that an orange would be female. It's like a knot in a tree being female. Maybe they both are for the same reason.

Words have grammatical constructions to distinguish them from other words wowzer

Despite being 0.6% of the population trannies are the cause of 90% of the drama.

They have an unfair advantage in competitive drama production. Lots of free time, and multiple mental illnesses.


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They hated u/GiveMeMedals for telling the truth


Can you dm it to me. Or post it to other subs. They deleted it.

Can wait until rightoids start a faction during the inevitable 2nd American civil war and naturally they’re outnumbered but they win because the left splits off Terf/Non Terf lines

troons mad x24

The gay man comes with too much privilidge he needs to go away like the rest of the boomers