King BTFOs female comedian. Hippity hoppity redditors argue.

1  2020-02-13 by nonobo21


He didn’t make me uncomfortable.

>woman not taking the opportunity to cash on her victimbuxx and instead telling the truth even though it goes against everyone's narrative

WTF I love women now?

What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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  1. King BTFOs female comedian. Hippity... -,

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Lmao Slowthai sounds like a cumtown bit. Anyway Katherine Ryan is ugly and not funny

The absolute chad jumped into the crowd to try to start a fight too. He’s the only bong I would even remotely consider giving human rights to.

"Hero of the year award". And the dude shows up drunk, makes advances on some gussy, throws shit into the crowd, jumps in to fight people.