"I was consensually tied up naked at a BDSM party, and someone groped me, why won't anybody recognize me as a brave survivor, please help me /r/rape you're my only hope!"

1  2020-02-14 by UnalignedRando


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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It’s a tranny lmao

I wanted to mention it but the title was already getting pretty long. Also there's a list of other mental illnesses.

That’s fair.

What a fuckin mess though. Who cares about male sexual assault?

Male on male groping. At an orgy. Call in the SWAT immediately.

Yikes! Imagine being this un-based. True coperoid. Hey u/Lysterine10, back me up on this.

I'm tired of this fucking meme. Yes, gamers are hated by society for having no life, while the average person takes orders from the TV 4 hours per day. Gamers are hated on reddit, for wanting our moneys worth. Reddit is super liberal, until a gamer stands up to a corporation. Then it's oh that virgin gamer is upset that the female body is now covered. No, I appreciate art, culture, and the female body. The gamers rise up meme is hate speech against people with a video game hobby. Should we slut shame, or shame an alcoholic? No? Then STOP this gamers rise up nonsense.


  1. "I was consensually tied up naked a... - archive.org, archive.today

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private membership based kink venue.

flexpost detecter

absolute state of troon fetish validation

Unironically I've been to these and they aren't... good. Almost all the women are fat. And not like, "wow she's a little chubby" fat. I'm talking at least like 60% of the women there are clearly past the line of morbid obesity. And the personalities you meet are exactly what you'd expect.

I've been to these

Why fam?

I had a turbo slutty phase at one point, and I knew the right people to get you into these kinds of invite-only sex parties. Honestly, though, they suck.

See, when I knew the right people and went to that same party you’re describing, my first thought was that maybe I didn’t know the right people, after all.

Wait a second this isn’t /r/ape


Dicks out for Harambe.

Also once your dick is out why not give someone material for a future /r/rape post?

I locked myself into a sex cage and a sex thing happened


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"...I’m an attractive woman in her mid 20’s that’s typically playing with other young attractive women. As far as I can tell the only people in my local community that have a problem with my dick..."

