Artistic, I mean, autistic worship

1  2020-02-15 by jewdanksdad


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Actually it's Greta. Every Friday I go by myself and stand on a local bridge & hold up a sign protesting climate change. I make a new sign every week (today's sign is "make love not CO2") & I ask a stranger going by to take a photo of me which I post later on Instagram with the hashtag #inspiredbygreta. Been doing it for 20 weeks now.

My favorite tard

Ball cleveage shorts should be a thing.

I feel like society is ready.

I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.

Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.

There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.

There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through


  1. Artistic, I mean, autistic worship -,*

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Look, y'all know I love Greta, and from the moment I saw this thumbnail, I was all set to get this painting as a framed print for my living room. But when I viewed the full image, I was bitterly disappointed. The artist has failed to capture the essence of Greta. Sure, at least they remembered to dress her in clothing that's two sizes too large, but where is her scornful glare with furrowed brow? Where is her autistic intensity? Where is her Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? This painting is an amateurish attempt, at best.