"The slippery slope is a fallacy."

1  2020-02-15 by Intense_Masochism


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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  1. "The slippery slope is a fallacy." - archive.org, archive.today

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Based and Santorumpilled

gay people need to go back to their roots, soldiers fucking one another instead of this mockery of homosexuality

The western militaries need to return to their roots. The only people who never deviated are the Pashtun and even they celebrate Man Love Thursday.

Everyone should be ashamed of sex.


nigga shut the fuck up like god damn no one care

Found the fag

no one cares about your clown world and frog memes edge lord. go to voat, just like your parents drama or deuxdrama doesn’t want you.

no bro sick of this stupid ass rightoid shit

wow bro ur telling me the ppl who attend a pride parade might not be the most well adjusted ppl...wow

This is what happens when you don't replace the population with niggers.

Ebic maym xd

Based and redpilled