any1 watching that hentai with the girl that has grills and really athstic world

1  2020-02-15 by inceltiers2

its p good recomden u watch it


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. any1 watching that hentai with the ... -,

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Is this like a Randolph Cox larp

Randolph was an autistic rightoid before he adopted thr gimmick

Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing?

No il beat u up


Ok sorry. How was your day?

Pretty good. I have off work today so I slept in really late now I’m going to my favorite local restaurant for lunch with a buddy.

Thanks for asking, how’s yours?

Damn sounds comfy, I am on break for collage so just spent all day at the library working on assignments.

What kind of food does the restaurant do?

Bar food so I just got a sandwich and some beers.

College sucks bro just be like everyone else here and become a gay ass software engineer

Nah i'm enjoying it doing law and first time in my life I have had girls hitting on me and my professor likes me and is lenient on me

Shits dope