Incels become genuinely concerned over full-time internet watchdog as he continues to post 57 (now over 70) posts in 24 hours.

1  2020-02-16 by Kilo_G_looked_up


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This guy's posting history could probably be used against him for a red flag law if needed.

The alphabet boys assigned to monitoring incels probably have an entire dossier just about this guy and his life.

Are you a fan of red flag laws?

No. But that dumb duck probably is and it would be perfect karma.

I see your point.

Maybe if red flag laws are abused with posters like this then we can get them repealed?

What are red flag laws?

If someone thinks you’re crazy they can call the glowmen to come steal your guns.

If this moron had his post history published, it would not help repealing red flag laws. This guy is a nut job who thinks he's the good guy.

/u/braziliansigma whats up buddy

He can’t get laid. He is what he hates the most.

The George Soros of incels

The guy only stops posting to sleep for 6 hours, and then starts up again. It's crazy.

18 hours every day.

lol what if he’s just a bot

Nah. he comments too.

He does it for free

No way hes getting laid in that time lmao

Dudes literally the most pathetic loser I've ever seen in my life.

pretty sure its been proven that guy is essencially a bot he probably spends an hour a day screenshotting shit on incel forums than puts it in his bot to post once an hour he only comments a few times on his posts

Yeah honestly I’m kind of doubtful that a dude personally made every post

You can't just make a reddit bot that somehow beats the turing test though. Also, people have used those websites used to give you statistics about a redditor to show that he has an actual sleeping schedule. Unless he gave his bot times to post more often and added some randomizer to determine the exact posting times, then this is a real human. I don't think setting up a bot to post for you would save much time anyways. You still have to screenshot, edit, and come up with a title.

there is countless reddit bots like bussy shill bot etc after 100 karma reddit doesnt require a captcha to post anymore there is no turing test to beat.

coming up with pictures and mass collecting screenshots for the day to post is likely less than 1 hour.

On the incel wiki, there's a graph showing when he posts. A bot would probably be more consistent, and a lot less likely to post screenshots of posts that were made minutes ago.

have sex incel

Bend over

The editing is minimal, takes like 5 minutes a post, then the bot just spreads the posts out over the day.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Incels become genuinely concerned o... -,

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He's single-handedly running that forsaken shit hole of a sub lmao

If you compare the post rate of the sub using subredditstats to his own post rate, it becomes clear that he is literally the OP no less than 70% of every post on that sub on any given day.

The sub would be dead without him

344k subscribers

And over 90% of all the posts are coming from one person. Really makes you think.

Maybe he's a false flag, a plant trying to corner the IT karma market, starve out all other posters, and then stop posting thus killing the sub?

He prolly starved out other posters long ago

truly making incels look stable and high functioning by comparison

Damn. He should just get a girlfriend or something. That's beyond pathetic.

And he dose it for inhales


So the biggest anti incel is an incel himself