1  2020-02-18 by nonobo21

Hey r/Tinder. It’s me again giving you the train fact of the day!!!

The Stephenson’s Rocket was the first train to become the fastest vehicle ever built by man. In October of 1829, during a race called the Rainhill Trials, the Rocket reached the amazing, blistering, god like speed of 36 mph!!!

And that’s the facterino of the day fellas! Just a little factoid for the pals :D


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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This, but unironically.


  1. TRAIN FACTS XD!!! -,

  2. r/Tinder -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

This is my account. I’ve been posting train facts for the lovely ladies out there.

Damn nigga you spittin facts bro. This nigga spittin haha. You really ain’t cappin bro ayoooo!

Hey someones actually spitting up on the floor. Someone help!

Don’t worry, as a mod of the sub, I will gladly clean it up.

Hey guys I need some unrelated advice. I went on a date w a girl off the app and got ghosted for a second date. I felt like I was being myself but it wasn’t enough. Any advice?

You need to close the deal if you want to smash puss bro. Remember ABC, always be closing bro. You have to be self important and cocky, but for her enjoyment. It’s all about her but you need to make it seem like its about you bro. Keep finding leads king.

The concept of self is a bit transphobic and a social construct. Read Alinsky and try smiling more next time.

You prolly just made her feel inadequate with your impressive knowledge of trains. Try to restrain yourself a bit🤓🤓.

Is replying to yourself your shtick or did you forget that this isn’t twitter?

Maybe he's just retarded

I forgot to post on my alts XD