Vegancel wishes death on meat eaters

1  2020-02-18 by Communazi66


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  1. Vegancel wishes death on meat eater... -,

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On a rational level there isn't any justification for us living in the first world, if you say this out loud it makes feel judged, it makes them feel bad because they have no argument, they start to play games like pretending you're a vegan to automatically dismiss you even if they know you're not to stop feeling bad. Or arguments like you need to be rich and shop at whole foods to eat vegetables, despite the fact that people who shit in the street and roll around in shit and think that rape is their national sport are vegetarian. He is actually right that meat eaters deserve death on an ethical level.

But at the same time I don't give a fuck, the real lesson here is that both sides are incredibly easy to agitate and you should do so at every opportunity.

Veganism is the most moral choice. However no chosing the most moral choice isn't wrong. Not giving to charity doesn't make me immoral it makes me less moral. Matt dillahunty made a great point on this in a debate.

Wait was i just serious posting?

Uhhh i mean dude bussy lmao.

Choosing not to send money to savages overseas isn't remotely comparable to going out of your way to have a living thing tortured and killed for your own entertainment.

But vegans believe killing animals for food is immoral regardless of how humane/ethically its done.

How do you ethically kill an animal that does not want to die tho? Sing him his favorite songs while you look into his eyes, a person they’ve trusted probably their whole life, and drag a knife across his throat? His last thoughts are of how the person who fed and took care of him their whole life, the closest thing to a parent they will ever know, is now hurting him. He doesn’t know any better so all he will know is pain and confusion. Why are you hurting me dad? What did I do?

You seem to assume that animals can conceptualize these things. Also animals in nature kill each other. If animals can conceptualize everything you said above surely a deer can conceptualize what its doing while stabbing another deer with its antlers.

Il also add that i do think veganism is a more moral choice. However i dont think being a vegan is the only moral choice.

If animals can’t conceptualize it then why even have “humane” slaughter like you said

Because it is the more moral thing to do.

Again im not saying animals are all brain dead vegetables that cant conceptualize anything but to say most animals are able to conceptualize something to the same extent as a human is absurd. Im not arguing against veganism. I think being vegan is the most moral way to consume food. But to say not being a vegan is immoral and not less moral is wrong imo.

Serious posters FIGHT. This is why R.drama fell

Yeah it wasn't the "dude nigger lmao upvotes to the left" posting or the tranny jannies exerting power over strangers on the internet to distract themselves from wanting to 41%, it was this.

Oh shit.


Dude cope lmao gussy.

Anyone who read my initial comment as serious is a retard

We're all retarded

I don't understand how citing animals killing each other is a justification for killing them unless we accept it's appropriate to do literally anything to another entity as long as they engage in the activity themselves.

Because animals can't conceptualize trust and empathy. When i walk into i store i know that other people won't attack me for no reason. Animals are far more underdeveloped in relationships to anything outside of a family/pack and humans can. I can trust other humans won't attack me on the basis of being in their proximity. Ofcourse other humans are violent and when they are we in turn remove their rights. However the vast majority of humans can be trusted far more consistantly.

Well I guess that all boils down to whether or not you accept the death penalty then. The same applies to a human psychopath regardless of whether or not they have actually harmed anyone else.

Except killing a psychopath doesn't give us food to eat.

We don't kill animals just because they lack empathy we kill them because it gives us food.

but vegetables five us food to

Yes. But that doesn't change that they still give us food and why i think veganism is more moral and being an omnivore is less moral.

I mean in some cases, but for a lot of in the first world no. If you are paying extra to get meat over vegetables and grains that you could have eaten to survive instead, that's luxury and entertainment.

Yes. But i dont think its immoral to not go out of my way to be a vegan. Like with the charity example. Its not immoral for me to not give to charity but it is more moral to give to charity.

ok then meatcuck

Ok then protein nigger.