Based chad refuses to compromise. Foids and cucks seethe.

1  2020-02-18 by TrapNekoLoli


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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I saw neither a chad (comments or picture) nor seething so I’m just going to assume you’re Jonathan OP.


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On point as usual

His parody flew right over these dumb fucks' heads. This is literally every entitled foid profile ever.

yep, satire is long dead in 2020.

What propaganda? Where would they hear it? Because they hear the exact opposite from: every TV station, all of Hollywood, the entire education system from kindergarten to postgraduate, all large political parties in the Western world, every tech platform bar none, and any other established entity. Hearing the truth from shitposters on extremely fringe internet forums, in the face of full-spectrum brainwashing from birth, does in fact make one more of a free thinker.


  1. Based chad refuses to compromise. F... -,

  2. -,

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Jonathan knows what he's worth.


Well seeing how men are inherently more valuable than women, I'd say just above nothing.

coping due to being replaced by a sperm bank


Lmao if you think it's going to be the men getting replaced, commie.

Don’t be so sensitive Jeb. What, are you going to cope into a RealDoll?

I'm engaged, so it's not really something I'm worrying about tbh.


lol, your ""fiancé"" always has an ejector seat king. you are valued here though 🥰

Thanks champ! And remember you cut down the street, not across. 😘

come now, your """fiancé""" surely wouldn’t want to see you in this absolute state, would she?

I understand not being in constant mental anguish seems strange and foreign to you, but I can assure you it's a normal state to be in for most people.

You’re posting on reddit, no one believes you retard. You de facto have a mental illness by nature of being here.

You have over 300,000 karma here. I'm more of a person, just by existing, than you'll ever be lmao.

checking post history

nice cope


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indeed autojannie, indeed

Yeah I like checking to see if a person responding to me suffers from mental illness so I can make fun of them for it. Seeing how you're a chapo, have over 300000 karma, and have been on this hellscape for 4 years, you seem to check that box.

If you think I actually cared about your straw-clutching I would be leveraging alts to shit on you instead.

But I don’t. Rather, posting from this account has given us all some incredible seething to enjoy. 🐄

I love bantering with people on the internet. I'm sorry to say your response isnt the snappy killshot you think it is.

Saying “snappy killshot”

And Im the one who’s too online 😆

How is that being too online? Are snappy comebacks a concept that only began at the advent of the internet?

I’m not here for rhetoric, I’m hear for spicy drama. Besides, the “kill shot” was several posts back and I’m just wallowing in post-busting bliss.

let’s get back to you telling me to kill myself because I outed your fiancé as a RealDoll

This the part where I say "my fiance is not a real doll" and you ever so cleverly reply "oh but she is". And we just continue like that ad infinitum, correct?

I was expecting more of your faghags to hop in at this point and save a brotha tbh, but this was fun.

Likewise 😊

coping due to imminent replacement with a ziploc bag

Every man a king

Sounds like a joke and/or a fake profile, but lets post 3000 comments seething about it anyways