Mike "if they're black, search em for crack" Bloomberg reveals his true power level with an edible swastika

1  2020-02-20 by 15nelsoc


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I’m so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it’s sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it’s welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here


  1. Mike "if they're black, search em f... - archive.org, archive.today

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Thread has some good seething from twittercels about how right wingers apparently can't cook. Rich coming from people that probably order door dash for every meal and ask for it to be left outside the door because the possibility of being misgendered gives them an anxiety attack.

or chuck a fat fit on twitter when they can't drag their 600lb ass to the building lobby

Eat the bugs, bigot.

Rightoids are generally useless except when it comes to mayo-style meat preparation. These fags are barking up the wrong tree.

Completely separate from all the drama, this is the first time in a while I’ve seen Shinto-Buddhism dragged into the reee’ing

If blacks can say the N word then Jews can use the swatstika however they’d like


You can't say Swastiker, that's theirs. You can say Swastika if you have jewish friends though.

that meat looks raw af

really not surprising twitter trannies don't eat red meat and wouldn't know a good cut if they saw one.

It looks good, not $80 good, but still. Fucking tasteless faggots.

Mike "If you're brown, you're goin down" Bloomberg

Mike "Your names Jamal, against the wall" Bloomberg

Mike "Never Relax" Bloomberg

That does look like a pretty tasty burger tho.

I have to admit from the thumbnail I assume it was some kind of dessert. That is some pink-ass beef.

I like my meat cooked as little as possible. I really don't understand how people can eat dark brown well-done cuts. Seems like a waste of meat to me.

A thoroughly original opinion. Why, I've never heard that one before!

You're truly a young iconoclast, Nelson.

Of course you hear it a lot because it's the only correct way to cook meat.

No need to break the mold if it works.

The only correct way to drink water is with your mouth, but you don't hear a lot of people asserting that it's their preference...

I absorb all my water through rectal suppositories. Not about that drinking shit

Y'know, I'm all for not using your mouth for things mouths are built for, and vice verse, and the same applies to butts. But gosh, that seems like it'd be a hassle.

You can always try an IV saline line directly into your blood stream and flex on natural body processes entirely.

Y'know, I could use an IV.

Can I just buy those?

Yeah you can order a kit for pretty cheap. If you're serious about learning find someone to teach you how to do it. If you try to learn from YouTube videos, you're going to be walking around with a junkie looking arm.


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Thanks robo jannie 😳

Hell yeah!

This is a Jewish fake idea "solution" for a racial problem.

Not really understanding that sentence. Are you referring to the swastiburger or stop and frisk, Julius? 🐯

I hate hebes.