I accidentally burned my vagina

1  2020-02-20 by Meowsommar

Yesterday, I was feeling tired and normally, that means I would have a relaxing shower time when I throw in a lot of soap that smells good and relaxes me.

I don’t use these harsh soaps and gels such as grounded coffee, eucalyptus, tea tree, etc on my vag jay jay. I have a separate mild soap for it with very little chemicals.

I was in the middle of the shower session and that’s when I realized, the mild soap has run out. I didn’t think much of it and use the same soap I was using on my body. It was Peppermint which was very cooling at first and then, like an hour later! Holy hell!!!!! It’s like someone set my vag jay jay on fire. I couldn’t even pee. Luckily, it only lasted for a few hours and went back to normal.

Long story short, don’t put harsh soap on your genitalia 😭


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Next time that happens make sure to use Bengay to neutralize the pain. It's a chemical reaction that immediately stops the burning. It is a proven genital ointment.


youre an idiot, why did you think the gays use it

You'll never make the Penthouse Forum like that

The human body is pretty amazing once you get used to it

Women really like wasting water don't they 🤦‍♂️🙃

It sounds like it got in your vagina. It's like washing with Head and Shoulders and it gets inside.

I hope it hurt

Should've asked me to dry it off for you.


I'll make it nice and dry for you _^

I took a piss after cutting and handling habanero peppers. About a minute later my dick was on fire. I had to wrap my dick and balls in cheese slices for the pain to go away. It worked though.

Why not ice?

Milk is known to help because of its neutralizing properties. Why not take it a step further? Also burning and freezing at the same time would be extra traumatising.