The Nazis aren't bad because they committed genocide

1  2020-02-20 by Trump_FTW_88

They are bad because they committed an ethnic genocide.

There is no place for racism when it comes to genocide.



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They are bad because they ultimately failed.

Y'all can't behave.


  1. The Nazis aren't bad because they c... -,

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We of all races must band together and form a national form of socialism...and remove the gays and the Muslims.

You're gonna get banned from here. This is a Muslim sub.

the balije removal team isn't afraid of gays or turks. rot in piss.

I have the mods on my side. Cower, you great white worm.

Cower, you great white worm



Imagine being a discount Serbian 🤭🤭🤭

I'm Dominican not some disgusting Balkan drunkard.


I'm so sorry vro

i gonna take joo behind the yim like biden say to tromp bro and fock u up


shouldn’t you be fucking sex tourists instead of posting on reddit dot com?

lol...if I was in that shithole I wouldn't have electricity to be posting on here

don’t need lights to stick it in some aging hausfrau

اللعنة عليك الحريم Allahu akbar Hitler was Muslim

Pretty sure it was their economic policy that made them evil.

I clapped when you said nazis are bad.

Umm actually sweaty 🍑💦🤭 the nazis did no such thing 😳😳🤗 they were just trying to rebuild the mother land 🇩🇪

Pol Pot did nothing wrong

No they're bad because they left the job half done.

Yes, we must find an answer to the w***n question