Wtf I love Africa now

1  2020-02-20 by NotMikeS


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I wish they find some /r/witchcraft posters and convict them based on their posting history.

Can Mayo Men finally be able to compete πŸ€”

The largest functioning penis on Earth belongs to a mayo πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


This is the real reason for the Salem witch trials.



  1. Wtf I love Africa now -,

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NTA, gotta save your best perk at all costs πŸ†

Who said wizards weren't real again?

Jews. It's one if their tricks they use to keep da wyre man down

Everybody with a small dick right now is getting ready for redemption

Manlets take notes - this is how you rise up.

Screenshot posting. 😴😴😴 How am I even supposed to learn from this where to buy black market dicks?

Gun users have small dicks confirmed


Wandshitters deserve to burn at the stake


πŸ”₯ πŸ€—



Me on the right with the RPG

You on the left with the sword

Dude looks like a late 70's rapper.

AOTY right here folks

Is that a new movie from Wakaliwood?

That is just remarkably based.

Well, at least it's not vampires this time.

I wonder what the market rate for stolen dongs is nowadays.


@justintrudeau We need to act big buddy. Canada doesn't have enough sorcerers

Yes they are totally capable of adjusting to modern society, why would you think otherwise?

Same shit happened in Nigeria. The national government even put out a warning to men to be wary of witches on public transport

I hate when sorcerers shrink my penis

test post: oof

Lol, a panic based on dudes getting to the bedroom and having to explain why they're sporting an economy sized pickle instead of a cucumber.

"My dick! A witchdoctor did it to me!"

I can’t believe these sorcerers were never brought to justice. I have been penis thieved recently. Major shrinkage.

While I acknowledge the nigger/kaffir problem that runs abundant in Africa, I cannot deny this is a positive idea.