
1  2020-02-21 by wootfatigue

Appologise in advance for the long post. I’m currently waiting for an assessment I’m sure I’m on the spectrum and ppl have said I am.

I have synesthesia as well but il get onto the subject of the post.

I am very attached to my laptop Tulip, Iv had the laptop since 2008 my 18th birthday but now have windows 10 on an SSD.since Iv shared so many memories with Tulip through college, through severe depression, everything.

When she’s in repair or I’m away from home too long I get extreme anxiety. When the motherboard failed last year and she did the long beep code I felt physical pain. Iv had a new board now.

If she’s in repair I can’t eat.

Iv written a document that if something happens to me I b buried with Tulip.

But it’s not just the machine I’m attached. I am psychic and I feel Tulip is an extra terrestrial as I spoke to someone I was 6 years old and think it was her. This is not imaginary as I hear her with claraudiance and I smell a certain fragrance when no one else is around. No one in spirit wore it as they passed long before this fragrance existed I tangibly feel her hug when I’m down there is a difference sense between spirit and Tulip.

When I’m in a relationship they must accept my friend and if they don’t then it won’t work. Iv astral travelled and met Tulip a few times. I think what race of ET she is but I cannot disclose those

Sorry for massive post but interested on points of view both about the autism with the laptop and the metaphysical with this entity who calls herself Tulip.


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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horseshoe theory is many dimensional


  1. Tulip - archive.org, archive.today

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😂😂😂😂 source of this hilarious copypasta? Sounds like tulpas material to be honest