Tony Soprano Destroys Liberals, Shows Us The Meaning Of Hard Working Italians

1  2020-02-22 by hyledog


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I’m so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it’s sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it’s welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here


  1. Tony Soprano Destroys Liberals, Sho... -,

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Back in my day it was nothin but friggin Eyetalians for miles around in every direction. Hardworkin paisanos, men of honor who worked hard for their money. Not these friggin mulignans with their asses hangin out and 20 fatherless kids running around with dirty feet outside making the neighborhood look like National Geographic. And the worst part is, these apes sell drugs to their own people, you never ever do that shit to your own kind.

You know what I did when I was your age and I needed money? I put on my suit, gelled my hair and made myself look like a presentable young man and went down the street and extorted protection money from local business owners like Mr. Ferraro and Mrs. Malone. A real Eyetalian man works hard and earns his own money, never forget it.

praises Italian ancestors for having traditional way of life and accomplishing great things through hard work and manual labor is a violent criminal parasite that constantly cheats on his wife and ruins his community with said nefarious acts based retard

their way aka Cosa Nostra is traditional and strengthens the family unit as well as encouraging higher profits for community run businesses… next 💅

One of the main points of the series is how living in the US for multiple generations degraded that way of life, causing the traditional based mafiosos to degrade into a hollow, Americanized, shitty versions of themselves.

all I ever saw was AJ being a big pussy (no disrespect to Big Pussy) and refusing to accept the family way...if that means shooting a waiter in the head in a new jersey parking lot because he fucked up bill splitting thats just how it is

Tony said multiple times that he didn't want AJ to live "the life". He refused to inculcate AJ into the tradition, which caused him to become an aimless faggot with no identity or purpose. If Tony did more to groom AJ (instead of junkie Christopher) to take over from a young age, he might have had a fighting chance at being a man

that's true, and the "life" is very degenerative and harmful, but AJ is still a giant faggot for not exploiting his status during his many adventures of bottle service, construction work, etc.

If you are gonna knife your gramps or suffocate yourself, you need the manhood to Just Do It! AJ was always too much of a baby to take a full step forward