Based beyond comprehension

1  2020-02-23 by NotMikeS


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Y'all can't behave.


  1. Based beyond comprehension -,

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Plot holes gaping harder than JK Rowling while she was homeless? ☑️

Retroactively applying diversity to your own writing when you become irrelevant? ☑️

Single handedly creating a femcel fandom that indulges in degenerate fan fic in order to expand on a shallow husk of a universe? ☑️

My 45 year old dad likes Harry Potter.

Pull his life support when it's time

Why wait?

He’s not the soy boy type of Harry Potter fan.

no such thing as a non-soy harry potter fan

He used to be a body builder 🤷‍♂️

only being able to squat 1pl8 isn't bodybuilding sweaty

He was able to bench more than you will ever be able to squat sweety

Wait, why?


You gotta be 21 for cigs doe

Just ask a homeless man to buy em

If you live in muttland

Not when that tweet was published.

not in the land of Harry potter

Spoken like a Slithrine

Please commit stop breathing

Wtf, I love Sanders now

What’s this? /r/Funny ? /r/DankMemes ? Cringe

smoke a fucking cigarette

It is now that I've returned

Legal age for smoking here is do we do for 3 years?

Don’t let the law cuck you out of that sweet nicotine

t. el goblino

smoke a cigarette


I like it due to nostalgia, am I a simp?
