/r/ Europe defends its culture from American imperialists

1  2020-02-23 by elephantofdoom


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Cool story, bro


  1. /r/ Europe defends its culture from... - archive.org, archive.today*

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To be fair the negro comes from Portugese and they pioneered the slave trade, this is their culture.



they pioneered the slave trade

Wrong. Slave trade is older than the existence of Portugal.

ok macaco viado, since you want to get butthurt about it, portugese pioneered the trans-atlantic african slave trade which has relevance to me as a descendant of nig slaves, not to mention this is the slavery that is relevant to me as an American and the probably majority of users here

happy now with your gay incomprehensible continental accent? eu fode sua mai

portugese pioneered the trans-atlantic african slave trade

Now you are correct. Hugs

i dont touch gays without gloves and a biolab suit, sorry


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(((American culture)))

Goddammit. I totally forgot about Karnival. Did I miss it?