Gross weird homo picks up loose change with his anus and that's a yikin' homophobia in a gun sub

2  2020-02-23 by GoldenManGood


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow.


  1. Gross weird homo picks up loose cha... -,

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Guns are gay

Of course, they are phallic objects and owning them is definitely gay.

Depends on which hole you shove it in

only if swords are an option

With their vaginas?

I haven't seen the video this is referencing, so he does just like hoover them up with his butthole or what?

I’d disagree with that sentiment. But Guns keep the government in check and that’s all that matters

Yep looking real in check right now.