Progress: After 28 years, Korean-Americans have begun to learn that they deserved to be ethnically cleansed in the LA riots but we're still not there yet

5  2020-02-23 by Redactor0


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I'm tired of this fucking meme. Yes, gamers are hated by society for having no life, while the average person takes orders from the TV 4 hours per day. Gamers are hated on reddit, for wanting our moneys worth. Reddit is super liberal, until a gamer stands up to a corporation. Then it's oh that virgin gamer is upset that the female body is now covered. No, I appreciate art, culture, and the female body. The gamers rise up meme is hate speech against people with a video game hobby. Should we slut shame, or shame an alcoholic? No? Then STOP this gamers rise up nonsense.


  1. Progress: After 28 years, Korean-Am... -,

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They were regulars in the area, chanting black empowerment slogans and soliciting donations for food and school supply giveaways.

How come "black empowerment" only comes from gibs?

Black empowerment = more tax money to my community after you spent several hundred years conspiring against it.

White empowerment = vote for anyone "pro-business" and take money out of my pocket and give to a billionaire, who will give it back to me and in a larger amount. And then when you go bankrupt from that billionaire putting fracking chemicals in your water and giving you cancer, get on all the welfare programs you hate because niggers use them. And then blame the Mexican down the street for your own choices that you made.

White people love gibs more than anyone else on earth. Al Sharpton needz mo money fo dem programz for his people in public housing and have to dodge bullets on the way to work. A white man sees a billionaire sitting on a throne of cash bundles and decides he needs to take the last penny out of his pocket and give it to him because he "deserves" it. "we need mo tax creditz fo dem job creatorz"

That made no sense

Of course it makes sense. They have a website where you can find every person in America that gets welfare for their farm, it's basically a directory of white men. And rich people get welfare at all times since forever.

rich people get welfare

oh word?

of course

They were regulars in the area, chanting black empowerment slogans and soliciting donations for food and school supply giveaways


Some nog was bitching about 5 cents lmao.

Yangban scholars don't use racial slurs, bro.

The incident in late 2017 pitted the store’s longtime elderly Korean shopkeeper against a band of black activists who voiced familiar complaints about outsiders taking advantage of the scarcity of retail options in South L.A

yoo what kinda retarded complaint is this!? he started a shop because there was a scarcity of such shops!?

There aren't any big grocery stores in these neighborhoods because they can't make a profit after all the shoplifting. So then Koreans move in with a business model where they actually catch shoplifters so they're able to break even doing business with the vast majority of residents of the neighborhood who are honest.

If you don't see how this predatory then you're a fucking bigot and I have a $300 diversity training seminar you need to attend immediately.

so they do they want shops or not?

or have them but they shouldn't complain about the theft



Dealing with theft by closing your store causes food deserts, sweaty.