Sambacide when
1 2020-02-24 by pot_head_pixie
There is a literal puddle of piss in front of my apartment's entrance. Everyone shitting and pissing on the streets in Rio and most of them aren't even the dark skinned ones
It never even began for sambamericans but it's beginning to piss me off 😫😫
1 AutoModerator 2020-02-24
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-02-24
Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.
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1 MasterLawlzFan 2020-02-24
Never cause 🍑😛
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-02-24
If you ever take your eyes off their ass, you'll realize that 90% of the samba foids are ugly as fuck. They either got way too fat just to get a big ass or have faces that can barely compete with the monkey on their banknotes.
It's a bussy paradise though so i guess they have that going for them.
1 Chapose 2020-02-24
Is there anyone who actually finds latinas pretty? I only ever see 'wow fat ass' people, noone who actually says 'shes pretty'.
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-02-24
Few actually look good, i'm guessing due to all the mixing of european, african and native peoples the genetic dice roll works in favor eventually for some.
1 CroatianSAMCrew 2020-02-24
macaco viado da merda
1 pot_head_pixie 2020-02-24
No it's even worse, i was duped into believing it would be a good time and got an airbnb apartment. I'm actually paying money to get piss on my shoes.