u/Babinx loses in about trannies in r/drama

1  2020-02-24 by Kaiser-romulus

And I quote:

“This is a reply to some guy who said "hating mentally ill troids is based af" or some shit then deleted his comment before I submitted this so uhh, this is to all of you I guess:

Hating people who aren't sane isn't the mark of being sane buddy. Objectively this situation shouldn't be any different than a random guy doing this shit and yet here you all are razing hell over this shit. Stop pretending like your hatred of the perp isn't amplified x10 because it's a troid.

Just like the random "king" I'm now realizing you all unironically glorified who broke the jaw of some random trans person, even though it was obvious the dude was just looking to beat the fuck out of anything he could. I feel like half the retarded shit I post here must just be getting upvoted unironically.

Most of the anti-trans stuff used to be veiled in some pretty heavy irony, but now it's just straight up retard-tier hatred. I kind of realized half of you weren't jokingly retarded when I saw something about Jesse Lee Peterson being a master of the Socratic method, and how he's actually a really tactical guy being upvoted heavily here. Like the dude just forces a "yes" a bunch of times with "so you're saying _" , when _ is usually a stupidly huge leap in logic. That isn't some masterful debate tactic guys lol. I still don't know if you guys were being ironic with that shit, but god damn.

People on the left are insufferable, but the amount of hard-right leaning fucks swarming to this sub is insane. Stay in consumeproduct where you preach about how the modern family is being destroyed while almost all of you are single and waste all your time on the internet. Like if you guys really gave a fuck, you'd spend a lot more time building a family and inscribing your values into them rather than complaining about the fucked up world around you. But let's be fuckin real, you're just a bunch of disenfranchised kids who were raised fundamentalist but you can't have your ideal family because the world around you has shifted so far away from your values that you don't even know where to start. On some level, I get it, but rehashing the same shit nonstop and whining about it is just pathetic.

Lastly, whats got me at tipping point with you fucking mongs, is that you don't understand why you're here. Here's why: it's because the site keeps nuking your little faggy-ass hangout spots from orbit. Now you're all spouting your usual garbage that gets your little playgrounds banned and are upset the comments are getting deleted. You're gonna just take over and get this place banned too, aren'tchya? God I hate you fucks. fuck fuck fuck fuck GOD FUCK.”


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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u/Babinx why do you defend pedos?

Just a crumb of the neopussy

Did I say anything wrong?

swingin on a vine suckin on a piece of swine

jigaboo come up from behind

hit him with a coconut stab him the gut

push him out the tree he falls right on his nuts

hey yo, hey yo

blacks be the real racists


I don't think people would be saying "BASED AF!" and "lol deserved, upstanding job!" if a black dude was straight up murdered for creeping on white girls in a bathroom with pics. I can't be the only one who feels like some of these responses are insane.

Some would argue this is the entire point of reddit, /u/Babinx

I think it has more to do with having to play along with their delusions and the insistence that they aren't mentally ill, we are however well aware of basketball Americans proclivity for crime

Looking at /u/Babinx post history, I am not sure that dude is all that mentally sound bruh u u

What if I just hate troons because they’re ugly