HardIsLife's boyfriend spills beans on their private life in graphic details.

1  2020-02-25 by UUUU__UUUU

Hey all, Mac here. I posted on this sub a lot back in the day (maybe like a year ago? More?) under a different username, but I'm the same me haha. Makoto of San Diego, CA. Anyway, since my last post, I got a real girlfriend! We're both seniors now (I just turned 18 and she's been since November), and I really am the luckiest guy. She's perfect, so supportive, yada yada, but you fellas know what's next 😁.

She's super eager to fulfill my fetish!

And it's been fantastic! She always lets me put my face in her ass, feel her fart on my hand, and she is incredibly careful and diligent to get every single fart recorded that she can when we're not together. She is truly so dedicated, and lately that diligence was really tested (and it wasn't even really tested, we made it through so well and laughed it off after).

So, lately I've been asking for advice on what to feed her to make her gassier over on r/eproctophilia since she feels bad that she really isn't that gassy naturally (even with beans, broccoli, cheese, alla that doesn't do very much, and she isn't lactose intolerant). So, I found that sugar alcohols are the best thing for gas creation, and we both got super excited this past weekend and went and got sugarfree candy (1 bag had the perfect amount of malitol, one of the sugar alcohols that causes gas) and dried prunes (which just "cause gas", I didn't research why, which is the moral of this story at the end lol). So, we walk into class Monday, and I give her all the stuff (12 dried prunes, a bag of the sugarfree stuff) and she eats it all between 8-9am. We had originally read that it takes several hours for these to be digested and for gas to be created (and I won't lie, I like to watch her poop(the noises and sounds part, not the actual scat at all) and this would help with that as well! Welp, turns out she started having her stomach hurt really bad around 10:30, and by 12 it was awful. She really is a champ, she held alllll her gas and shit in until we got to my house after school (right around 3) and then let loose.

Let me tell you fellas, holy shit this was the best thing ever. I know you understand, as fellow fetishists, but my god it was the single best (non-coital) sexual experience I've had so far. She was letting literal 8 second farts out on the toilet, one after the other, just holding my hand and giggling the whole time. It smelled so amazing, and the sounds were fkn beyond incredible! So loud, so amazing. So anyway, she finishes shitting (and it's massive, but still pretty solid) and we head to my room. Her stomach still hurts pretty bad at this point, but the holding pains from the shit are gone (turns out that isn't a lot of the pain she was having tho). She told me while we were laying there, her farting over and over and over onto my dick, into my mouth, on my chest, that it was mostly the gas cramps. She had more gas that day than probably a normal 2-week period, if I had to estimate. Probably 50-60 farts? And the length, holy shit some were almost 10 seconds of her looking me in the eyes and releasing air.

So the moral of the cautionary tale presented herein - don't do what I did πŸ˜‚. If you do your research, 1 dried prune has (roughly) 4 grams of sorbitol in it. Sorbitol happens to be one of the sugar alcohols that causes crazy gas, and she had 12 of the fuckers. That's 48 grams, and on top of the 51 she had from the bag of candy. 99 grams is.... really bad for you hahahaha, especially since it was a mix of sorbitol and malitol. The cutoff is around 70 before discomfort, uncontrollable gas and loose stool, and she had to hold it all day at school, which really made her pain so much fkn worse, to the point she could barely walk to my car after class. She legitimately thought she was having period cramps because she said "they felt the exact same" (so for all you guys, gas cramps are the same as period cramps! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ according to her at least)

Next time, we plan on her eating 3 or 4 prunes and a bag of candy, so we keep the levels right around the sweet spot of just over 60. Our next time will be this Saturday actually haha

Anyway fellas, hope you both got some enjoyment from reading about our adventure and had some knowledge imparted on you lmao. Leave a comment if you want more info, maybe what she looks like or what they smelled like? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Those are the most common comments lol

PM me too, if you want any personal details or anything and I'll see what I can do 😁✌️



(Edit: I have dyscalculia and I did my math wrong 😁 so just fixing it)



I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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πŸ€“πŸ€“ heres an argument 4 u bud: both sides r massive faggots πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚[1][2]


  1. True (2016)

  2. Fact (1981)

lmao @ u πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in


  1. HardIsLife's boyfriend spills beans... - archive.org, archive.today

  2. r/eproctophilia - archive.org, archive.today

  3. Source - archive.org, archive.today*

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she’s asian, of course she’s lactose intolerant you dingus

she’s lactose intolerant

That sounds awesome.


What else can you tell about her dietary habbits?

I've heard russies fart the baddest. Apart from their spirts what do they eat to lift their spirits?

/u/meowsommar, inquiring minds would like to know!


The Asian 'girlfriend' in question, pre-transition.


This story is literally my dream scenario. I’m around the same age as you too so this really gives me hope that my girlfriend will be open to try it with me eventually lmao... I have been hiding it from her the 2 years we have been dating

Hope she breaks up with him when he comes out