Jordan B Peterson update for the mildest of drama

1  2020-02-27 by CroatianSAMCrew

We all stopped hearing about the lolcow Typhoid Mary of Canada, I'm sure like me most of you didn't notice or cared. He's in Russia right now being detoxed for benzo addiction. His daughter came out with this story about him being prescribed ativan for some autoimmune reaction, but it actually made him worse when he took it so he's been fucked for the last few months. And apparently Russia was the only place they could find a hospital to help them, despite benzo addiction being rampant in America so there must be hospitals here closer for that, aside from his native Canada or even Mexico. And basically it was a very longwinded way of saying "yeah he's addicted but he's not like those other addicts"



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This is probably the tenth time it's been reposted.

i fuck ur mom

His life is a mess and his daughter is so weird.

His daughters life is actually pretty fucked too but she claims to have turned it all around in the past year with her new carnivore diet (TM)

Man zizek, dillahianty and harris really did a number on him.

This, but unironically.


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