Being anti-diet is pro-health

1  2020-02-27 by ZronaldoFwupNotGood


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Ma'sha'Allah you are a shining example of how a gay Muslim should approach his life. You are so wise at such a young age and carry a huge burden. May Allah bless you and grant you good in this life and the next. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk, I've never had a gay friend before and I feel that it could benefit us both In'sha'Allah.


  1. Being anti-diet is pro-health -,

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The only reason people become fat again after dieting is that they dont watch what they are eating when not on diet. Of course you are going to become fat again when you order 10 bigmacs right after your diet ended. Doesnt mean that diets are bad, just that people are retarded.

People thought it was a good idea to let them vote a hundred years ago and shit like this is part of the consequences.

I got banned from that sub for saying lizzo probably isn't in great shape.

Just had to imply a 350 pound woman isn't a trained athlete.