Paging /u/Hippygma

1  2020-02-28 by FamilyMan-Warm2Cold

/u/Hippygma Ily I wish you were my gramma so much! Tell us about your life!


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Paging /u/Hippygma -,

  2. /u/Hippygma -,

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Not feeling creative or up to it yet. Change of cancer meds has gotten me down. Q@A ok.


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Jesus, you barely even speak the hell do you function?

Must be a boomer.


Ok, feeling a bit better. Where to start? Hmm? My life of drama! My stories seem made up But I promise they are ALL truth. My family puts the dis in dysfunctional. Lets talk about what I call "the trenches".

 The time of the trenches started with my boyfriend of 10 years deciding to go out and buy a car behind my back and financially ruinf us. Bad car deal of 21% interest for 76 months on a 2014 Malibu. Ugh. Payments 585$ a month, plus 150$+ on car insurance. He found out his drug addicted mother was dying of liver failure at the ripe age of 54. From drinking and drug abuse with hep C. I guess He didn't want his mother's precious butt sitting in my 05 Pontiac that he wore out the interior in from not cleaning it. 
 Well after a couple of days and a huge fight he left in the middle of the night taking his dog and a backpack. I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and was starting a new chemo so was down and in bed. He left me with a three bedroom house, pool, gardens, and ten years worth of crap. He had me pay all the utilities before leaving me with my disability check. I didn't know he was leaving when I paid them. This left me 95$ to live off for the rest of the month as it's a fixed once a month check. Part of this is due to me getting enough insurance to cover 149 thousand a month in treatment. So no. Working was out of the question. What a dick! 
 He went ghost on me. I had to borrow money from my mom to pay rent as we paid it every two weeks. My son and his girlfriend came to help me absolve all the stuff in the house as I knew I couldn't afford to stay there in my own income. I finally was able to contact him through messenger on his payday to ask him to at least help. I mean, half his responsibility. He brings me some shirty food and leaves it in my porch. Nice man huh? As some of you know, my son is a meth addict and maybe a Phsycopath. Idk. But my son stole my car and bank card one morning. I had to call my old mom to drive me over to his dealers house to find my car. We were at a dead end street with a house and she's behind the house. The house had cameras everywhere and he had his mother living in the shed behind his house along with about 5 other addicts. My son's girlfriend (will call her methany) helped locate the dealers house for me. When we arrived, I had my mother park a couple houses away so as not to get involved or hurt. Methany jumped out of the car with me and I ran and got in my car while she banged on the Windows of the shed. She told my son to bring the keys out. Him and his dealer came out. He handed me the keys to my car which he spray painted black. Ugh. He owed me 40$ from what he used on my bank card to buy the spray paint to hide my car. Supposedly he was doing some work on his dealers car and was going to be paid that exact amount. So I asked the dealer for the 40$ he actually have it to me. Methany jumps in my car with me and I snatched the money out of his hand and asked my son to get in the car with me. He refused 3 times so I peeled off outta there. My car was so ghetto looking by that time. Grrrr. Still driving it to this day. 
 Unfortunately, the only reason I let my son and his girlfriend stay the night with me was because I had no help. I had to take the help that was offered by them. One thing Good out of it is methany quit using because my son was getting more and more "out there". That night methany and I took the battery and stolen stereo system out of my car so he couldn't steal anything again. I was going to sell the stereo. Well my son shows up after methane and I went to bed that night. He was beating on my Windows and house saying all kinds of crazy stuff. I called the cops and he talked the cops into believing that I was over medicated from my cancer meds and to not believe anything I said. So nothing was done. He continued beating on the Windows and doors most of the night. I'm surprised neighbors didn't call on him, but they didn't. This was the start of the "trenches". This is going to be a long story with a lot of people involved. To be continued.......

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Could you have your boyfriend legally deemed mentally incompetent? It should invalidate the purchase.

I did that to a magacel once and now he canโ€™t get a drivers license or vote ๐Ÿ˜ŽโœŒ๐Ÿผ


Sorry about mistakes. Typing fast

I support you. โœŒ๐Ÿผ

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