The Disappointment Child of the Spielberg family valiantly tries to begin the moid genocide. Fails.

1  2020-02-29 by SnapagatorReborn


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Back when I was in my 20s, I had a Little Mermaid backpack. Wore it everywhere. Why? Because I really like the Little Mermaid, it was a good backpack, and it let me know immediately which guys were insecure idiots.

If I was on public transport and I saw a guy smirking at my backpack, I was never bothered. I knew that if the two of us were dropped in the bush with nothing, I’d most likely be the one walking out alive. I didn’t need to prove anything to them, and they’d already proved they weren’t worth my time.


  1. The Disappointment Child of the Spi... -,

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Didn’t she just say she was getting into porn too lol? Maybe this was all a terrible mistake at a shoot for a (hot) femdom ball crushing vid? Either way, Must be quite the ride for daddy Spieldkang recently lmao

considering he diddled Drew Barrymore, I think he only cares because she's of age

she has nice skin complexion, it’s too bad she’s a porker with weird hair

So she was sexually abused as a child, moved to a foster home, adopted, becomes alcoholic, does drugs, dates a Boomer, and gets into porn.

And her father is cheering her for woke points.

You go girl. But not to therapy.